Reusing data

How do I download data on Databrary for reuse

Re-using shared data on Databrary - Download - entire volume (be careful, these can be quite large.) - Download as .zip - a single session - Download vs. Download Original

Ethics of Reusing Data

Authorized Investigators must secure Institutional approvals prior to conducting research with data shared on Databrary. In the U.S. context, conducting secondary analysis on shared video data may not qualify as human subjects research because there is no direct contact with research participants. Still, a research project involving video data reuse may require ethics board or IRB review and approval because the data are identifiable.

How to cite reused data

Shared Data should have a citation on the volume profile page under the ‘How to cite’ heading it takes the format of:

LastName, FirstInitial. (year volume was added). Title of Volume. Databrary. Retrieved Month DD, YYYY from [link to assigned doi].

Find an example of a public volume here

Admin, D., Gilmore, R.O., Seisler, A.R. & Soska, K. (2018). Databrary & Datavyu Help Videos. Databrary. Retrieved February 7, 2023 from

How to cite Databrary

Databrary. (2014).

Datavyu Team (2014). Datavyu: A Video Coding Tool. Databrary Project, New York University. URL