
for Authorized Investigators

Update your profile

We want Databrary users to get to know each other.

add picture of profile tab

Edit Profile Tab Options

  • Upload your profile picture

We have found the a picture of proportions XXX looks nice, but you may upload a picture of your choosing.

  • Add in your lab or personal website

Review your Notification Settings

Ensure you are getting the notifications that you choose. Please review all of the notification settings.

add picture of notification tab

Add Affiliates

You may add access to Databrary for students, postdocs, or lab staff that you supervise. In order for you to add affiliates, they must have already completed the first 4 tabs of registration.

You may wish to have all of your affiliates complete the Lab Staff Agreement

If your lab staff will possibly be videotaped during data collection, they will need to fill out the Lab Staff Release

add picture of affiliates tab

for Affiliates

Update your profile

We want Databrary users to get to know each other.

add picture of profile tab

Request Databrary Access

Now that you have completed the first 4 tabs of registration, it is time for you to request access to Databrary from your supervising professor

  • Log in to your account
  • Go to the profile page of your supervising professor on Databrary (AFTER they have created an account)
  • Scroll all the way down to the bottom of their page
  • Click on the button ‘Apply for authorization from [Supervising professor name]’ near the bottom of the page.

add picture of supervising professor with ‘apply for authorization’ button

Tour of Databrary Dashboard

Edit View

Button Dictionary

Public View