4  NSF-funded projects on Databrary

This page summarizes data about NSF-funded projects that have used Databrary to store and share data. This is one component of making research data stored on the site more accessible.


Rick Gilmore and Andrea Seisler developed code to generate a series of reports about Databrary’s users, assets, and data.

In summer 2023, that code was migrated to the Databrary organization on GitHub. The code base for these reports can be found at https://github.com/databrary/analytics. The latest fully rendered analytics report can be found at https://databrary.github.io/analytics.

Note: Databrary’s API does not permit access to datasets or volumes that have yet to be shared by the volume owner. This means that the data we report here are an underestimate of the total number of projects and datasets that have actually received NSF funding.

Volume funders

Databrary permits users to list funders associated with a dataset. The funding information across the site is updated regularly. The latest report can be found at https://databrary.github.io/analytics/funders.html.

As of 2023-08-30, NSF was listed as a funder by the largest number of volumes on Databrary.

Here, we regenerate the data.


Most of the work is done via functions listed in R/functions.R.


Databrary volumes that mention NSF

To query Databrary for the volumes that mention an NSF award, we run the following.

As of 2023-09-01, volume 1635 was the largest volume index. So, we can query Databrary volume-by-volume, to collect data about volumes that list NSF as a funder, as follows:

db_w_nsf <-
             funder_str = "NSF",
             .progress = "Databrary vols w/ NSF:") |> purrr::list_rbind() |>
  add_clean_nsf_award_id() |>

readr::write_csv(db_w_nsf, "csv/databrary-vols-w-nsf-funding-all.csv")

The above uses the get_vol_awards() function and the funder_str parameter to select award information that lists NSF. Then, the NSF award IDs are cleaned to match the NSF format with add_clean_nsf_award_id().


The funding award IDs must be cleaned because the current Databrary system does not validate their formats. The funding award information is a free text field. It would be helpful if a future version of Databrary could validate these entries to reduce post hoc data cleaning.

This takes several moments, so for this report, we import a previously saved file with the same data.

db_nsf <- readr::read_csv("csv/databrary-vols-w-nsf-funding-all.csv", show_col_types = FALSE)

Then, we can start to visualize the data. Here is a table with all of the shared Databrary volumes mentioning NSF as a funder:

db_nsf <- db_nsf |>
  dplyr::filter(!is.na(award_id)) |>
  dplyr::mutate(url = paste0("https://databrary.org/volume/", vol_id))
db_nsf |>
  dplyr::select(vol_id, award_id, url) |>
  knitr::kable(format = 'html') |>
  kableExtra::kable_material() |>
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "700px", height = "400px")
vol_id award_id url
1 1238599 https://databrary.org/volume/1
2 1147440 https://databrary.org/volume/2
8 0721383 https://databrary.org/volume/8
11 1349044 https://databrary.org/volume/11
15 0808767 https://databrary.org/volume/15
15 1052736 https://databrary.org/volume/15
23 1147440 https://databrary.org/volume/23
30 1247590 https://databrary.org/volume/30
31 0092452 https://databrary.org/volume/31
32 0092452 https://databrary.org/volume/32
45 1147543 https://databrary.org/volume/45
49 1147440 https://databrary.org/volume/49
68 1147440 https://databrary.org/volume/68
73 1147440 https://databrary.org/volume/73
75 1147440 https://databrary.org/volume/75
77 1248076 https://databrary.org/volume/77
79 1331073 https://databrary.org/volume/79
81 1147440 https://databrary.org/volume/81
109 1220305 https://databrary.org/volume/109
116 1147440 https://databrary.org/volume/116
207 1929935 https://databrary.org/volume/207
207 1661068 https://databrary.org/volume/207
218 1147440 https://databrary.org/volume/218
253 1929935 https://databrary.org/volume/253
253 1661068 https://databrary.org/volume/253
268 15233982 https://databrary.org/volume/268
269 1929935 https://databrary.org/volume/269
269 166106 https://databrary.org/volume/269
272 1255832 https://databrary.org/volume/272
324 1248076 https://databrary.org/volume/324
471 1627993 https://databrary.org/volume/471
480 1561182 https://databrary.org/volume/480
480 1561122 https://databrary.org/volume/480
545 1056805 https://databrary.org/volume/545
546 1056805 https://databrary.org/volume/546
546 1560810 https://databrary.org/volume/546
608 1560810 https://databrary.org/volume/608
707 1627993 https://databrary.org/volume/707
950 1929935 https://databrary.org/volume/950
950 1661068 https://databrary.org/volume/950
987 1620294 https://databrary.org/volume/987
1062 1462280 https://databrary.org/volume/1062
1062 1400802 https://databrary.org/volume/1062
1062 1400810 https://databrary.org/volume/1062
1116 1627993 https://databrary.org/volume/1116
1135 1302741 https://databrary.org/volume/1135
1187 1655300 https://databrary.org/volume/1187
1241 1761053 https://databrary.org/volume/1241
1249 1462280 https://databrary.org/volume/1249
1279 1749376 https://databrary.org/volume/1279
1294 0951580 https://databrary.org/volume/1294
1398 2043717 https://databrary.org/volume/1398
1403 1761053 https://databrary.org/volume/1403
1437 1056805 https://databrary.org/volume/1437
1437 1560810 https://databrary.org/volume/1437
1437 1728133 https://databrary.org/volume/1437
1474 1052736 https://databrary.org/volume/1474
1495 1628300 https://databrary.org/volume/1495
1550 1444758 https://databrary.org/volume/1550
1550 1948790 https://databrary.org/volume/1550
1580 1941449 https://databrary.org/volume/1580
1589 2004983 https://databrary.org/volume/1589

Note that we have added a URL that links directly to the shared volume on Databrary.

There are \(n=\) 50 unique shared Databrary volumes that list NSF as a funder, and \(n=\) 38 unique NSF awards. This is because some NSF awards have resulted in multiple shared Databrary volumes.

NSF funding data on these projects

We can now match these projects with funding information available about them from NSF directly.

Illustration using the current grant

Before we do that, we will illustrate how the get_nsf_data_for_award_id() function can be used to gather information from the NSF funding database about the current project.

nsf_2032713_df <- get_nsf_data_for_award_id(2032713)

# A tibble: 1 × 12
  agency awardeeCity     awardeeName    awardeeStateCode fundsObligatedAmt id   
  <chr>  <chr>           <chr>          <chr>            <chr>             <chr>
1 NSF    University Park Pennsylvania … PA               199977            2032…
# ℹ 6 more variables: piFirstName <chr>, piLastName <chr>,
#   publicAccessMandate <chr>, date <chr>, startDate <chr>, title <chr>

Funding information from shared Databrary volumes

To re-generate a data frame with the Databrary volumes for which we are able to extract more details about the NSF funding from the NSF itself, we run the following:

summarize_mult_vol_nsf_awards(1:1635, vb = TRUE)

This takes several minutes, so for this report, we import a previously saved file with these data.

nsf <- readr::read_csv("csv/databrary-nsf-funding-details-all.csv", 
                       show_col_types = FALSE)

Now, we can begin to visualize these data as follows:

nsf <- nsf |>
   dplyr::filter(!is.na(piLastName), !is.na(piFirstName), !is.na(award_id))
nsf |>
  dplyr::select(piLastName, piFirstName, award_id, date, vol_id) |>
  dplyr::mutate(piLastName = stringr::str_to_title(piLastName),
                piFirstName = stringr::str_to_title(piFirstName)) |>
  dplyr::arrange(piLastName, award_id, vol_id) |>
  knitr::kable(format = 'html') |>
  kableExtra::kable_material() |>
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "700px", height = "300px")
piLastName piFirstName award_id date vol_id
Adolph Karen 1238599 09/25/2012 1
Adolph Karen 1627993 07/27/2016 471
Adolph Karen 1627993 07/27/2016 707
Adolph Karen 1627993 07/27/2016 1116
Arabi Mazdak 1444758 07/28/2015 1550
Cook Susan 1561182 08/30/2016 480
Cunningham Christine 1220305 09/06/2012 109
Dye Matthew 1749376 05/17/2018 1279
Fenn Kimberly 1561122 08/30/2016 480
Franchak John 1941449 07/21/2020 1580
Gale Elaine 1400810 06/26/2014 1062
Gilmore Rick 0092452 02/09/2001 31
Gilmore Rick 0092452 02/09/2001 32
Gilmore Rick 1147440 06/05/2012 2
Gilmore Rick 1147440 06/05/2012 23
Gilmore Rick 1147440 06/05/2012 49
Gilmore Rick 1147440 06/05/2012 68
Gilmore Rick 1147440 06/05/2012 73
Gilmore Rick 1147440 06/05/2012 75
Gilmore Rick 1147440 06/05/2012 81
Gilmore Rick 1147440 06/05/2012 116
Gilmore Rick 1147440 06/05/2012 218
Huenerfauth Matt 1462280 09/15/2014 1062
Huenerfauth Matt 1462280 09/15/2014 1249
Karasik Lana 1349044 01/22/2014 11
Kosie Jessica 2004983 06/30/2020 1589
Liu Yanxi 1248076 09/09/2012 77
Liu Yanxi 1248076 09/09/2012 324
Lobue Vanessa 1247590 05/22/2013 30
Lu Hongjing 1655300 04/05/2017 1187
Messinger Daniel 1052736 06/14/2011 15
Messinger Daniel 1052736 06/14/2011 1474
Messinger Daniel 1620294 08/12/2016 987
Movellan Javier 0808767 08/26/2008 15
Oakes Lisa 0951580 08/26/2010 1294
Poeppel David 2043717 02/23/2021 1398
Rhodes Marjorie 1147543 07/12/2012 45
Scott Lisa 1056805 07/20/2011 545
Scott Lisa 1056805 07/20/2011 546
Scott Lisa 1056805 07/20/2011 1437
Scott Lisa 1560810 09/18/2015 546
Scott Lisa 1560810 09/18/2015 608
Scott Lisa 1560810 09/18/2015 1437
Scott Lisa 1728133 07/07/2017 1437
Senier Laura 1948790 03/30/2020 1550
Sobel David 1661068 05/01/2017 207
Sobel David 1661068 05/01/2017 253
Sobel David 1661068 05/01/2017 950
Tamis-Lemonda Catherine 0721383 08/07/2007 8
Tamis-Lemonda Catherine 1761053 08/22/2018 1241
Tamis-Lemonda Catherine 1761053 08/22/2018 1403
Tian Yingli 1400802 06/26/2014 1062
Verderame Michael 1255832 08/12/2012 272
Vigeant Michelle 1302741 01/25/2013 1135
Weisberg Deena 1929935 04/09/2019 207
Weisberg Deena 1929935 04/09/2019 253
Weisberg Deena 1929935 04/09/2019 269
Weisberg Deena 1929935 04/09/2019 950
Woodward Amanda 1628300 08/18/2016 1495
Wyble Bradley 1331073 07/27/2013 79


nsf |>
  dplyr::mutate(award_amt = as.numeric(fundsObligatedAmt)) |>
  ggplot2::ggplot() +
  ggplot2::aes(award_amt) +

Figure 4.1: Histogram of NSF awards for all Databrary volumes.

These represent \(n=\) 38 unique NSF awards.

Of these, we were able to extract data from the NSF API for \(n=\) 36 NSF awards.

The following volumes do not have matching NSF awards.

vol_id award url
268 BCS-15233982 https://databrary.org/volume/268
269 NSF BCS-166106 https://databrary.org/volume/269

The NSF award IDs must be in error for these volumes.

We can search the NSF database for the term ‘databrary’ to see if we can find the correct NSF award ID.

nsf_w_databrary <- get_nsf_data_for_keyword("databrary")

The following NSF-funded projects mention “Databrary” according to the NSF API:

nsf_w_databrary |>
  dplyr::select(piFirstName, piLastName, id, title) |>
  dplyr::arrange(piLastName, piFirstName) |>
  knitr::kable(format = 'html') |>
  kableExtra::kable_material() |>
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "700px", height = "400px")
piFirstName piLastName id title
Karen Adolph 1627993 NSF/SBE-BSF: Neural patterns underlying the development of planning in action production and anticipation in action perception
Karen Adolph 1139702 Data Coding, Analysis, Archiving, and Sharing for Open Collaboration: From OpenSHAPA to Open Data Sharing
Elizabeth Bonawitz 1623486 EAGER: MAKER: The origins of making: A Data Science Approach to Investigating Cognitive and Affective Basis of Learning through Constructing
Rick Gilmore 2032713 EAGER: Expanding public access to restricted research data
Rick Gilmore 1238599 Databrary: An open video-based data-sharing system for developmental science
Felice Levine 1656866 Workshop Proposal on Replication, Reproducibility, and the Use of Data Assets in Advancing the Frontiers of Science in Education Research--the Critical Role of Journals
Vanessa LoBue 1247590 Validation of the Child Affective Facial Expressions Set (CAFE)
James Rehg 1524565 Comp Cog: Collaborative Research on the Development of Visual Object Recognition
Linda Smith 1523982 Comp Cog: Collaborative Research on the Development of Visual Object Recognition
Catherine Tamis-LeMonda 2313856 Postdoctoral Fellowship: SPRF: Enabling Access: How Mothers Support Infants’ Emerging Motor Skills to Facilitate Infants’ Exploration of the Environment
Catherine Tamis-LeMonda 1761053 Collaborative Research: Math Cognition In Toddlers From Latino and White Families: Contributions Of Home Experiences With Mothers and Fathers
Catherine Tamis-LeMonda 1528831 RUI: An Investigation of Short and Long Term Effects of Cradling on Development

We can filter these based on the last names of the Databrary volume owners.

nsf_w_databrary |>
  dplyr::select(piFirstName, piLastName, id) |>
  dplyr::filter(piLastName %in% c("Smith", "Bonawitz")) |>
  dplyr::arrange(id) |>
  knitr::kable(format = 'html') |>
  kableExtra::kable_material() |>
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "700px", height = "200px")
piFirstName piLastName id
Linda Smith 1523982
Elizabeth Bonawitz 1623486

From this result, it looks like the correct NSF award IDs for the projects on Databrary are 1523982 and possibly 1623486. Databrary staff will contact the PIs to ascertain if this is the case and correct Databrary’s records, as appropriate.


Note that this workflow helps evaluate the quality of the data and metadata stored on Databrary.

We are considering incorporating these functions into the databraryr package in a future release.