Databrary Guide

Share data & materials: Discover more, faster.


Rick Gilmore

Andrea Seisler

Melody Xu

Yinghe Liu


August 6, 2024


This document describes the data library and how to use it effectively as a tool for safely and securely sharing identifiable research data including video and audio.

Databrary is used by a large and growing community of researchers across the globe, including some large scale research projects (Soska et al., 2021) run by Databrary’s co-founders, Karen Adolph and Rick Gilmore, and their collaborators.

Databrary’s founders believe that the widespread use of video can improve the reproducibility of many different areas of research (Adolph, K.E., Gilmore, R.O., & Kennedy, J.L., 2017; Gilmore & Adolph, 2017).

About the guide

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You may also find the definitions page useful to understand specific terms. Databrary-specific terms are highlighted in italics on first mention on a page, and most of the time these first-mentions link to a corresponding definition.

About the authors

Rick Gilmore is Professor of Psychology at Penn State and is the Co-Founder and Co-Director of Databrary.

Andrea Seisler manages the Brain and Behavioral Dynamics Laboratory at Penn State and is the Authorizations and Support Specialist for Databrary.

Melody Xu was a User Support Specialist at Databrary until she began a Ph.D. program at Johns Hopkins University in August 2023.

Yinghe Liu is an undergraduate student majoring in Psychology at Penn State. He works as a research assistant in two faculty labs, and he has contributed to improving the Databrary Guide since Fall 2023.

Adolph, K.E., Gilmore, R.O., & Kennedy, J.L. (2017). Video as data and documentation will improve psychological science. Retrieved from
Gilmore, R. O., & Adolph, K. E. (2017). Video can make behavioural science more reproducible. Nature Human Behaviour, 1(7).
Soska, K. C., Xu, M., Gonzalez, S. L., Herzberg, O., Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., Gilmore, R. O., & Adolph, K. E. (2021). (Hyper)active data curation: A video case study from behavioral science. Journal of Escience Librarianship, 10(3).