{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, DataKinds, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Model.Offset
  ( Offset(..)
  , offsetMillis
  , diffTimeOffset
  , offsetDiffTime
  ) where

import Data.Char (isDigit, digitToInt)
import Data.Fixed (Fixed(..), HasResolution(..), Milli, Pico)
import qualified Data.Scientific as Sci
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time (DiffTime)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types (PGParameter(..), PGColumn(..))
import Numeric (showSigned, showFFloat, readSigned, readDec)
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as RP
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec as RP (lift)
import Text.Read (readMaybe, Read(readPrec))
import qualified Web.Route.Invertible as R

import qualified JSON

newtype Offset = Offset { offsetMilli :: Milli } deriving (Eq, Ord, Num, Real, Fractional, RealFrac, Typeable)

fixedToFixed :: (HasResolution a, HasResolution b) => Fixed a -> Fixed b
fixedToFixed x@(MkFixed xv) = y where
  yv = xv * yr `div` xr
  y = MkFixed yv
  xr = resolution x
  yr = resolution y

-- DiffTime is really Pico and has specialized realToFrac
diffTimeOffset :: DiffTime -> Offset
diffTimeOffset = Offset . fixedToFixed . (realToFrac :: DiffTime -> Pico)

offsetDiffTime :: Offset -> DiffTime
offsetDiffTime = (realToFrac :: Pico -> DiffTime) . fixedToFixed . offsetMilli

-- | Get the underlying fixed integer, before scaling to the appropriate decimal
offsetMillis :: Offset -> Integer
offsetMillis (Offset (MkFixed t)) = t

instance PGParameter "interval" Offset where
  pgEncode t = pgEncode t . offsetDiffTime
  pgEncodeValue e t = pgEncodeValue e t . offsetDiffTime
  pgLiteral t = pgLiteral t . offsetDiffTime
instance PGColumn "interval" Offset where
  pgDecode t = diffTimeOffset . pgDecode t
  pgDecodeValue e t = diffTimeOffset . pgDecodeValue e t

-- | Display Offset using colon delimited time format
instance Show Offset where
  -- showsPrec p = showsPrec p . offsetMillis
  showsPrec p (Offset t) = showSigned ss p t where
    ss a =
      (if h /= 0 then shows (h :: Integer) . (':' :) else id)
      . pads m' . shows m' . (':' :)
      . pads s' . showFFloat Nothing (fromIntegral s' + realToFrac f :: Double)
      (s, f) = properFraction a
      (m, s') = divMod s 60
      (h, m') = divMod m 60
      pads x
        | x < 10 = ('0' :)
        | otherwise = id

-- | Read Offset from a colon delimited time string
instance Read Offset where
  readPrec = RP.lift $ rm RP.<++ rc where
    -- parse milliseconds:
    rm = do
      m <- RP.readS_to_P (readSigned readDec)
      r <- RP.look
      case r of
        (':':_) -> RP.pfail
        ('.':_) -> RP.pfail
        _ -> return $ Offset (MkFixed m)
    -- parse seconds with colons:
    rc = do
      pm <- RP.option '+' $ RP.satisfy (`elem` "-+")
      c <- RP.sepBy1 (RP.readS_to_P readDec) (RP.char ':')
      ms <- RP.option 0 (do
        _ <- RP.char '.'
        foldr (\d m -> 100*digitToInt d + m `div` 10) 0 <$> RP.many (RP.satisfy isDigit))
      Offset . MkFixed . (if pm == '-' then negate else id) . (toInteger ms +) . (1000 *) <$> case c of
        [s] -> return s
        [m, s] -> return (60*m + s)
        [h, m, s] -> return (60*(60*h + m) + s)
        [d, h, m, s] -> return (60*(60*(24*d + h) + m) + s)
        _ -> RP.pfail

-- | Format offset value for inclusion in a JSON object. Use the millisecond integer representation
instance JSON.ToJSON Offset where
  toJSON = JSON.Number . fromInteger . offsetMillis

-- | Extract from JSON value. Accept integer milliseconds, time colon formatted string, or false (0)
instance JSON.FromJSON Offset where
  parseJSON (JSON.Number ms) | Sci.base10Exponent ms < 10 = return $ Offset $ MkFixed $ floor ms
  parseJSON (JSON.String s) = maybe (fail "Invalid offset string") return $ readMaybe $ T.unpack s
  parseJSON (JSON.Bool False) = return 0
  parseJSON _ = fail "Invalid offset"

instance R.Parameter T.Text Offset where
  renderParameter = T.pack . show . offsetMillis