{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Model.Funding.FundRef
  ( fundRefDOI
  , lookupFunderRef
  , searchFundRef
  -- for testing
  , annotateFunder
  ) where

import Control.Monad ((<=<), (>=>), guard, mfilter)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT(..), runMaybeT)
import Data.Foldable (fold)
import Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.List (stripPrefix, sortBy, nubBy)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, mapMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Ord (comparing, Down(..))
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HC
import Text.Read (readMaybe)

import Ops
import Has (MonadHas, focusIO)
import qualified JSON
import HTTP.Client
import Service.DB
import Model.Id.Types
import Model.GeoNames
import Model.Funding

fundRefDOI :: String
fundRefDOI = "10.13039/"

-- Not quite like Data.CaseInsensitive (non-strict 'ciFolded')
data CI = CI
  { unCI :: !T.Text
  , ciFolded :: T.Text

{-# NOINLINE toCI #-} -- toCaseFold's entire switch gets inlined!
toCI :: T.Text -> CI
toCI t = CI t (T.toCaseFold t)

instance IsString CI where
  fromString = toCI . fromString

onCI :: (T.Text -> T.Text -> a) -> CI -> CI -> a
onCI f = f `on` ciFolded

instance Eq CI where
  (==) = onCI (==)
  (/=) = onCI (/=)

annotateFunder :: Funder -> [T.Text] -> Maybe T.Text -> Funder
annotateFunder f [] Nothing = f
annotateFunder f@Funder{ funderName = n } a c = f{ funderName =
  maybe id (\cc -> (<> (", " <> cc))) (mfilter (not . noc . toCI) c)
  $ case unCI <$> nai' of
      [] -> "" -- impossible
      [nn] -> nn
      (nn:aa) -> nn <> " (" <> T.intercalate ", " aa <> ")"
  ni = toCI n
  ai = toCI <$> sortBy (comparing $ Down . T.length) a
  nai' = nubBy (onCI T.isInfixOf) $
    (case filter (T.isInfixOf `onCI` ni) ai of
      [] -> ni
      (lni:_) -> lni) : ai
  noc ci = toCI (geoName geoNameUS) == ci || any (T.isInfixOf `onCI` ci) nai'

parseFundRef :: JSON.Value -> JSON.Parser (Funder, Maybe (Id GeoName))
parseFundRef = JSON.withObject "fundref" $ \j -> do
  doi <- j JSON..: "id"
  fid <- maybe (fail $ "doi: " ++ doi) (return . Id) $ readMaybe =<< stripPrefix ("http://dx.doi.org/" ++ fundRefDOI) doi
  name <- label =<< j JSON..: "prefLabel"
  let alts = mapMaybe (JSON.parseMaybe (label <=< JSON.parseJSON)) $ case HM.lookup "altLabel" j of
        Just (JSON.Array v) -> V.toList v
        Just o -> [o]
        Nothing -> []
      geo = do
        r <- JSON.parseMaybe ((JSON..: "country") >=> (JSON..: "resource")) j
        g <- parseGeoNameRef r
        guard (g /= geoNameId geoNameUS)
        return g
  return (annotateFunder (Funder fid name) alts Nothing, geo)
  label j = j JSON..: "Label" >>= (JSON..: "literalForm") >>= (JSON..: "content")

lookupFundRef :: Id Funder -> HTTPClient -> IO (Maybe Funder)
lookupFundRef fi hcm = runMaybeT $ do
  req <- HC.parseRequest $ "http://data.fundref.org/fundref/funder/" ++ fundRefDOI ++ show fi
  j <- MaybeT $ httpRequestJSON req hcm
  (f, gi) <- MaybeT $ return $ JSON.parseMaybe parseFundRef j
  g <- lift $ flatMapM (`lookupGeoName` hcm) gi
  return $ annotateFunder f [] (geoName <$> g)

lookupFunderRef :: (MonadIO m, MonadDB c m, MonadHas HTTPClient c m) => Id Funder -> m (Maybe Funder)
lookupFunderRef fi = do
  f <- lookupFunder fi
  f `orElseM` do
    r <- focusIO $ lookupFundRef fi
    mapM_ addFunder r
    return r

parseFundRefs :: JSON.Value -> JSON.Parser [Funder]
parseFundRefs = JSON.withArray "fundrefs" $
  return . mapMaybe (JSON.parseMaybe pfr) . V.toList
  pfr = JSON.withObject "fundref" $ \j -> do
    is <- j JSON..: "id"
    i <- maybe (fail "invalid id") (return . Id) $ readMaybe is
    name <- j JSON..: "value"
    alts <- j JSON..:? "other_names"
    country <- j JSON..:? "country"
    return $ annotateFunder (Funder i name) (fold alts) country

fundRefReq :: HC.Request
fundRefReq = (fromJust $ HC.parseRequest "http://search.crossref.org/funders")
  { HC.cookieJar = Nothing }

searchFundRef :: T.Text -> HTTPClient -> IO [Funder]
searchFundRef q hcm = do
  j <- httpRequestJSON req hcm
  return $ fold $ JSON.parseMaybe parseFundRefs =<< j
  where req = HC.setQueryString [("q", Just $ TE.encodeUtf8 q)] fundRefReq