{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards #-}
module Model.Category
  ( module Model.Category.Types
  , allCategories
  , getCategory
  , getCategory'
  , categoryJSON
  , participantCategory
  ) where

import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text

import qualified JSON
import Model.Id
import Model.Category.Types

-- Formerly used when loaded from db
-- categoryRow :: Selector -- Category
-- categoryRow = selectColumns 'Category "category" ["id", "name", "description"]

-- TODO: db coherence
allCategories :: [Category]
allCategories =
       (Id 1)
       (Data.Text.pack "participant")
             "An individual human subject whose data are used or represented")),
       (Id 2)
       (Data.Text.pack "pilot")
             "Indicates that the methods used were not finalized or were non-standard")),
       (Id 3)
       (Data.Text.pack "exclusion")
       (Just (Data.Text.pack "Indicates that data were not usable")),
       (Id 4)
       (Data.Text.pack "condition")
             "An experimenter-determined manipulation (within or between sessions)")),
       (Id 5)
       (Data.Text.pack "group")
             "A grouping determined by an aspect of the data (participant ability, age, grade level, experience, longitudinal visit, measurements used/available)")),
       (Id 6)
       (Data.Text.pack "task")
             "A particular task, activity, or phase of the session or study")),
       (Id 7)
       (Data.Text.pack "context")
             "A particular setting or other aspect of where/when/how data were collected"))]

categoriesById :: IntMap.IntMap Category
categoriesById = IntMap.fromAscList $ map (\a -> (fromIntegral $ unId $ categoryId a, a)) allCategories

getCategory :: Id Category -> Maybe Category
getCategory (Id i) = IntMap.lookup (fromIntegral i) categoriesById

getCategory' :: Id Category -> Category
getCategory' (Id i) = categoriesById IntMap.! fromIntegral i

categoryJSON :: JSON.ToObject o => Category -> JSON.Record (Id Category) o
categoryJSON Category{..} = JSON.Record categoryId $
     "name" JSON..= categoryName
  <> "description" `JSON.kvObjectOrEmpty` categoryDescription

participantCategory :: Category
participantCategory = head allCategories