{-# LANGUAGE CPP, OverloadedStrings #-}
module DatabraryMain
    ( main
    -- * for tests
    , Flag (..)
    , flagConfig
    ) where

import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import qualified System.Console.GetOpt as Opt
import System.Environment (getProgName, getArgs)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import qualified Network.Wai.Route as WaiRoute

import qualified Store.Config as Conf
import Service.Init (withService)
import Web.Rules (generateWebFiles)
import Action (actionRouteApp, WaiRouteApp(..))
import Action.Servant (servantApp)
import Routes (routeMapInvertible, routeMapWai)
import Warp (runWarp)

data Flag
  = FlagConfig FilePath
  | FlagWeb
  | FlagEZID
  deriving (Show, Eq)

opts :: [Opt.OptDescr Flag]
opts =
  [ Opt.Option "c" ["config"] (Opt.ReqArg FlagConfig "FILE") "Path to configuration file [./databrary.conf]"
  , Opt.Option "w" ["webgen"] (Opt.NoArg FlagWeb) "Generate web assets only"
  , Opt.Option "e" ["ezid"] (Opt.NoArg FlagEZID) "Update EZID DOIs"

flagConfig :: Flag -> Either FilePath Flag
flagConfig (FlagConfig f) = Left f
flagConfig f = Right f

main :: IO () -- TODO: optparse
main = do
  putStrLn "Starting Main..."
  prog <- getProgName
  args <- getArgs
  let (flags, args', err) = Opt.getOpt Opt.Permute opts args
      (configs, flags') = partitionEithers $ map flagConfig flags

  conf <- mconcat <$> mapM Conf.load (case configs of
    [] -> ["databrary.conf"]
    l -> l)
  case (flags', args', err) of
    ([FlagWeb], [], []) -> do
      putStrLn "generating files..."
      void generateWebFiles
      putStrLn "finished generating web files..."
    {- seems like a good idea for testing and generally factoring out monolith, add back when used
    ([FlagEZID], [], []) -> do
      putStrLn "update EZID..."
      r <- withService False conf $ runContextM $ withBackgroundContextM updateEZID
      putStrLn "update EZID finished..."
      if r == Just True then pure () else exitFailure
    ([], [], []) -> do
      putStrLn "No flags or args...."
      putStrLn "evaluating routemap..."
      routes <- evaluate routeMapInvertible
      putStrLn "evaluating routemap...withService..."
      -- Note: True = run in foreground
      withService True conf $ \rc -> do
        -- used to run migrations on startup when not in devel mode
        -- should check migrations2 table for last migration against last entry in schema2 dir
        putStrLn "running warp"
                    (WaiRouteApp (WaiRoute.route (routeMapWai rc)))
    _ -> do
      mapM_ putStrLn err
      putStrLn $ Opt.usageInfo ("Usage: " ++ prog ++ " [OPTION...]") opts