{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Controller.Register
  ( passwordResetHandler
  , viewPasswordReset
  , postPasswordReset
  , registerHandler
  , viewRegister
  , postRegister
  , resendInvestigatorHandler
  , resendInvestigator
  ) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BSB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE
import Network.HTTP.Types.Method (methodGet, methodPost)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Method as HTM
import Servant (FromHttpApiData(..))

import Ops
import Has
import Service.Mail
import Static.Fillin
import Model.Permission
import Model.Id
import Model.Party
import Model.Identity
import Model.Token
import HTTP.Form.Deform
import HTTP.Path.Parser
import Action
import Controller.Paths
import Controller.Form
import Controller.Permission
import Controller.Party
import Controller.Token
import Controller.Angular
import View.Register

resetPasswordMail :: Either BS.ByteString SiteAuth -> T.Text -> (Maybe TL.Text -> TL.Text) -> Handler ()
resetPasswordMail (Left email) subj body =
  sendMail [Left email] [] subj (body Nothing)
resetPasswordMail (Right auth) subj body = do
  tok <- loginTokenId =<< createLoginToken auth True
  req <- peek
  sendMail [Right $ view auth] [] subj
    (body $ Just $ TLE.decodeLatin1 $ BSB.toLazyByteString $ actionURL (Just req) viewLoginToken (HTML, tok) [])

registerHandler :: API -> HTM.Method -> [(BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString)] -> Action
registerHandler api method _
    | method == methodGet && api == HTML = viewRegisterAction
    | method == methodPost = postRegisterAction api
    | otherwise = error "unhandled api/method combo" -- TODO: better error

viewRegister :: ActionRoute ()
viewRegister = action GET (pathHTML </< "user" </< "register") $ \() -> viewRegisterAction

viewRegisterAction :: Action
viewRegisterAction = withAuth $ do
    (peeks $ blankForm . htmlRegister)
    (\_ -> peeks $ otherRouteResponse [] viewParty (HTML, TargetProfile))

postRegister :: ActionRoute API
postRegister = action POST (pathAPI </< "user" </< "register") postRegisterAction

data RegisterRequest = RegisterRequest T.Text (Maybe T.Text) BSC.ByteString (Maybe T.Text) Bool

postRegisterAction :: API -> Action
postRegisterAction = \api -> withoutAuth $ do
  reg <- runForm ((api == HTML) `thenUse` htmlRegister) $ do
    name <- "sortname" .:> (deformRequired =<< deform)
    prename <- "prename" .:> deformNonEmpty deform
    email <- "email" .:> emailTextForm
    affiliation <- "affiliation" .:> deformNonEmpty deform
    agreement <- "agreement" .:> (deformCheck "You must consent to the user agreement." id =<< deform)
    let _ = RegisterRequest name prename email affiliation agreement
    let p = blankParty
          { partyRow = (partyRow blankParty)
            { partySortName = name
            , partyPreName = prename
            , partyAffiliation = affiliation
          , partyAccount = Just a
        a = Account
          { accountParty = p
          , accountEmail = email
    return a
  auth <- maybe (SiteAuth <$> addAccount reg <*> pure Nothing <*> pure mempty) return =<< lookupSiteAuthByEmail False (accountEmail reg)
  resetPasswordMail (Right auth)
    "Databrary account created"
    $ \(Just url) ->
      "Thank you for registering with  Please use this link to complete your registration:\n\n"
      <> url <> "\n\n\
      \By clicking the above link, you also indicate that you have read and understand the Databrary Access agreement, which you can download here: http://databrary.org/policies/agreement.pdf\n\n\
      \Once you've validated your e-mail, you will be able to request authorization to be granted full access to \n"
  focusIO $ staticSendInvestigator (view auth)
  return $ okResponse [] $ "Your confirmation email has been sent to '" <> accountEmail reg <> "'."

resendInvestigator :: ActionRoute (Id Party)
resendInvestigator = action POST (pathHTML >/> pathId </< "investigator") $
    \i -> resendInvestigatorHandler [("partyId", (BSC.pack . show) i)]

resendInvestigatorHandler :: [(BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString)] -> Action
resendInvestigatorHandler params = withAuth $ do  -- TODO: handle POST only
  let paramId = maybe (error "partyId missing") TE.decodeUtf8 (lookup "partyId" params)
  let i = either (error . show) Id (parseUrlPiece paramId)
  p <- getParty (Just PermissionREAD) (TargetParty i)
  focusIO $ staticSendInvestigator p
  return $ okResponse [] ("sent" :: String)

passwordResetHandler :: API -> HTM.Method -> [(BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString)] -> Action
passwordResetHandler api method _
    | method == methodGet && api == HTML = viewPasswordResetAction
    | method == methodPost = postPasswordResetAction api
    | otherwise = error "unhandled api/method combo" -- TODO: better error

viewPasswordReset :: ActionRoute ()
viewPasswordReset = action GET (pathHTML </< "user" </< "password") $ \() -> viewPasswordResetAction

viewPasswordResetAction :: Action
viewPasswordResetAction = withoutAuth $ do
  peeks $ blankForm . htmlPasswordReset

postPasswordReset :: ActionRoute API
postPasswordReset = action POST (pathAPI </< "user" </< "password") postPasswordResetAction

data PasswordResetRequest = PasswordResetRequest BSC.ByteString

postPasswordResetAction :: API -> Action
postPasswordResetAction = \api -> withoutAuth $ do
  PasswordResetRequest email <- runForm ((api == HTML) `thenUse` htmlPasswordReset) $
    PasswordResetRequest <$> ("email" .:> emailTextForm)
  auth <- lookupPasswordResetAccount email
  resetPasswordMail (maybe (Left email) Right auth)
    "Databrary password reset" $
    ("Someone (hopefully you) has requested to reset the password for the Databrary account associated with this email address. If you did not request this, let us know (by replying to this message) or simply ignore it.\n\n" <>)
    . maybe
      "Unfortunately, no Databrary account was found for this email address. You can try again with a different email address, or reply to this email for assistance.\n"
      ("Otherwise, you may use this link to reset your Databrary password:\n\n" <>)
  return $ okResponse [] $ "Your password reset information has been sent to '" <> email <> "'."