1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
    2 module Model.SQL
    3   ( selectQuery
    4   , isUniqueViolation
    5   , isExclusionViolation
    6   , isForeignKeyViolation
    7   , tryUpdateOrInsert
    8   , updateOrInsert
    9   ) where
   11 import Control.Monad (guard)
   12 import Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Protocol (PGError(..), pgErrorCode)
   13 import Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Query (PGQuery)
   14 import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
   16 import Service.DB
   17 import Model.SQL.Select
   19 selectQuery :: Selector -> String -> TH.ExpQ
   20 selectQuery = selectDistinctQuery Nothing
   22 isUniqueViolation, isExclusionViolation, isForeignKeyViolation :: PGError -> Bool
   23 isUniqueViolation = ("23505" ==) . pgErrorCode
   24 isExclusionViolation e = pgErrorCode e `elem` ["23505","23P01"]
   25 isForeignKeyViolation = ("23503" ==) . pgErrorCode
   27 tryUpdateOrInsert :: (MonadDB c m, PGQuery q a) => (PGError -> Maybe e) -> q -> q -> m (Either e (Int, [a]))
   28 tryUpdateOrInsert err upd ins = dbTransaction uoi where
   29   err' e
   30     | isUniqueViolation e = Just Nothing
   31     | otherwise = Just <$> err e
   32   uoi = do
   33     u <- dbTryJust err $ dbRunQuery upd
   34     case u of
   35       Right (0, _) -> do
   36         _ <- dbExecuteSimple "SAVEPOINT pre_insert"
   37         i <- dbTryJust err' $ dbRunQuery ins
   38         case i of
   39           Left Nothing -> do
   40             _ <- dbExecuteSimple "ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT pre_insert"
   41             uoi
   42           Left (Just e) -> return $ Left e
   43           Right r -> return $ Right r
   44       _ -> return u
   46 updateOrInsert :: (MonadDB c m, PGQuery q a) => q -> q -> m (Int, [a])
   47 -- updateOrInsert upd ins = either fail return <$> tryUpdateOrInsert (const Nothing) upd ins
   48 updateOrInsert upd ins = dbTransaction uoi where
   49   uoi = do
   50     u@(n, _) <- dbRunQuery upd
   51     if n /= 0
   52       then return u
   53       else do
   54         _ <- dbExecuteSimple "SAVEPOINT pre_insert"
   55         i <- dbTryJust (guard . isUniqueViolation) $ dbRunQuery ins
   56         either (\() -> do
   57           _ <- dbExecuteSimple "ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT pre_insert"
   58           uoi)
   59           return i