1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
    2 module Model.Funding.FundRef
    3   ( fundRefDOI
    4   , lookupFunderRef
    5   , searchFundRef
    6   -- for testing
    7   , annotateFunder
    8   ) where
   10 import Control.Monad ((<=<), (>=>), guard, mfilter)
   11 import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
   12 import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
   13 import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT(..), runMaybeT)
   14 import Data.Foldable (fold)
   15 import Data.Function (on)
   16 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
   17 import Data.List (stripPrefix, sortBy, nubBy)
   18 import Data.Maybe (fromJust, mapMaybe)
   19 import Data.Monoid ((<>))
   20 import Data.Ord (comparing, Down(..))
   21 import Data.String (IsString(..))
   22 import qualified Data.Text as T
   23 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
   24 import qualified Data.Vector as V
   25 import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HC
   26 import Text.Read (readMaybe)
   28 import Ops
   29 import Has (MonadHas, focusIO)
   30 import qualified JSON
   31 import HTTP.Client
   32 import Service.DB
   33 import Model.Id.Types
   34 import Model.GeoNames
   35 import Model.Funding
   37 fundRefDOI :: String
   38 fundRefDOI = "10.13039/"
   40 -- Not quite like Data.CaseInsensitive (non-strict 'ciFolded')
   41 data CI = CI
   42   { unCI :: !T.Text
   43   , ciFolded :: T.Text
   44   }
   46 {-# NOINLINE toCI #-} -- toCaseFold's entire switch gets inlined!
   47 toCI :: T.Text -> CI
   48 toCI t = CI t (T.toCaseFold t)
   50 instance IsString CI where
   51   fromString = toCI . fromString
   53 onCI :: (T.Text -> T.Text -> a) -> CI -> CI -> a
   54 onCI f = f `on` ciFolded
   56 instance Eq CI where
   57   (==) = onCI (==)
   58   (/=) = onCI (/=)
   60 annotateFunder :: Funder -> [T.Text] -> Maybe T.Text -> Funder
   61 annotateFunder f [] Nothing = f
   62 annotateFunder f@Funder{ funderName = n } a c = f{ funderName =
   63   maybe id (\cc -> (<> (", " <> cc))) (mfilter (not . noc . toCI) c)
   64   $ case unCI <$> nai' of
   65       [] -> "" -- impossible
   66       [nn] -> nn
   67       (nn:aa) -> nn <> " (" <> T.intercalate ", " aa <> ")"
   68   }
   69   where
   70   ni = toCI n
   71   ai = toCI <$> sortBy (comparing $ Down . T.length) a
   72   nai' = nubBy (onCI T.isInfixOf) $
   73     (case filter (T.isInfixOf `onCI` ni) ai of
   74       [] -> ni
   75       (lni:_) -> lni) : ai
   76   noc ci = toCI (geoName geoNameUS) == ci || any (T.isInfixOf `onCI` ci) nai'
   78 parseFundRef :: JSON.Value -> JSON.Parser (Funder, Maybe (Id GeoName))
   79 parseFundRef = JSON.withObject "fundref" $ \j -> do
   80   doi <- j JSON..: "id"
   81   fid <- maybe (fail $ "doi: " ++ doi) (return . Id) $ readMaybe =<< stripPrefix ("http://dx.doi.org/" ++ fundRefDOI) doi
   82   name <- label =<< j JSON..: "prefLabel"
   83   let alts = mapMaybe (JSON.parseMaybe (label <=< JSON.parseJSON)) $ case HM.lookup "altLabel" j of
   84         Just (JSON.Array v) -> V.toList v
   85         Just o -> [o]
   86         Nothing -> []
   87       geo = do
   88         r <- JSON.parseMaybe ((JSON..: "country") >=> (JSON..: "resource")) j
   89         g <- parseGeoNameRef r
   90         guard (g /= geoNameId geoNameUS)
   91         return g
   92   return (annotateFunder (Funder fid name) alts Nothing, geo)
   93   where
   94   label j = j JSON..: "Label" >>= (JSON..: "literalForm") >>= (JSON..: "content")
   96 lookupFundRef :: Id Funder -> HTTPClient -> IO (Maybe Funder)
   97 lookupFundRef fi hcm = runMaybeT $ do
   98   req <- HC.parseRequest $ "http://data.fundref.org/fundref/funder/" ++ fundRefDOI ++ show fi
   99   j <- MaybeT $ httpRequestJSON req hcm
  100   (f, gi) <- MaybeT $ return $ JSON.parseMaybe parseFundRef j
  101   g <- lift $ flatMapM (`lookupGeoName` hcm) gi
  102   return $ annotateFunder f [] (geoName <$> g)
  104 lookupFunderRef :: (MonadIO m, MonadDB c m, MonadHas HTTPClient c m) => Id Funder -> m (Maybe Funder)
  105 lookupFunderRef fi = do
  106   f <- lookupFunder fi
  107   f `orElseM` do
  108     r <- focusIO $ lookupFundRef fi
  109     mapM_ addFunder r
  110     return r
  112 parseFundRefs :: JSON.Value -> JSON.Parser [Funder]
  113 parseFundRefs = JSON.withArray "fundrefs" $
  114   return . mapMaybe (JSON.parseMaybe pfr) . V.toList
  115   where
  116   pfr = JSON.withObject "fundref" $ \j -> do
  117     is <- j JSON..: "id"
  118     i <- maybe (fail "invalid id") (return . Id) $ readMaybe is
  119     name <- j JSON..: "value"
  120     alts <- j JSON..:? "other_names"
  121     country <- j JSON..:? "country"
  122     return $ annotateFunder (Funder i name) (fold alts) country
  124 fundRefReq :: HC.Request
  125 fundRefReq = (fromJust $ HC.parseRequest "http://search.crossref.org/funders")
  126   { HC.cookieJar = Nothing }
  128 searchFundRef :: T.Text -> HTTPClient -> IO [Funder]
  129 searchFundRef q hcm = do
  130   j <- httpRequestJSON req hcm
  131   return $ fold $ JSON.parseMaybe parseFundRefs =<< j
  132   where req = HC.setQueryString [("q", Just $ TE.encodeUtf8 q)] fundRefReq