1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TupleSections, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
    2 module Controller.Volume
    3   ( getVolume
    4   , viewVolume
    5   , viewVolumeEdit
    6   , viewVolumeCreateHandler
    7   , postVolume
    8   , createVolume
    9   , postVolumeLinks
   10   , postVolumeAssist
   11   , queryVolumes
   12   , thumbVolume
   13   , volumeDownloadName
   14   , volumeIsPublicRestricted
   15   ) where
   17 import Control.Applicative ((<|>), optional)
   18 import Control.Arrow ((&&&), (***))
   19 import Control.Monad (mfilter, guard, void, when, forM_)
   20 import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
   21 import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy (StateT(..), evalStateT, get, put)
   22 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
   23 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
   24 import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HML
   25 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
   26 import Data.Function (on)
   27 import Data.Int (Int16)
   28 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing)
   29 import Data.Monoid ((<>))
   30 import qualified Data.Text as T
   31 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
   32 import Network.HTTP.Types (noContent204, unsupportedMediaType415)
   33 import Network.URI (URI)
   34 import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
   36 import Ops
   37 import Has
   38 import qualified JSON
   39 import Model.Access
   40 import Model.Asset (Asset)
   41 import Model.Enum
   42 import Model.Id
   43 import Model.Permission hiding (checkPermission)
   44 import Model.Authorize
   45 import Model.Volume
   46 import Model.VolumeAccess
   47 import Model.Party
   48 import Model.Citation
   49 import Model.Citation.CrossRef
   50 import Model.Funding
   51 import Model.Container
   52 import Model.Record
   53 import Model.VolumeMetric
   54 import Model.RecordSlot
   55 import Model.Segment (Segment)
   56 import Model.Slot
   57 import Model.AssetSlot
   58 import Model.Excerpt
   59 import Model.Tag
   60 import Model.Comment
   61 import Model.VolumeState
   62 import Model.Notification.Types
   63 import Store.Filename
   64 import Static.Service
   65 import Service.Mail
   66 import HTTP.Parse
   67 import HTTP.Form.Deform
   68 import HTTP.Path.Parser
   69 import Action.Route
   70 import Action
   71 import Controller.Paths
   72 import Controller.Permission
   73 import Controller.Form
   74 import Controller.Angular
   75 import Controller.Web
   76 import {-# SOURCE #-} Controller.AssetSegment
   77 import Controller.Notification
   78 import View.Form (FormHtml)
   80 -- | Convert 'Model.Volume' into HTTP error responses if the lookup fails or is
   81 -- denied.
   82 getVolume
   83     :: Permission
   84     -- ^ Requested permission
   85     -> Id Volume
   86     -- ^ Volume to look up
   87     -> Handler Volume
   88     -- ^ The volume, as requested (or a short-circuited error response)
   89 getVolume requestedPerm volId = do
   90     res <- accessVolume requestedPerm volId
   91     case res of
   92         LookupFailed -> result =<< peeks notFoundResponse
   93         AccessDenied -> result =<< peeks forbiddenResponse
   94         AccessResult v -> pure v
   96 data VolumeCache = VolumeCache
   97   { volumeCacheAccess :: Maybe [VolumeAccess]
   98   , volumeCacheTopContainer :: Maybe Container
   99   , volumeCacheRecords :: Maybe (HML.HashMap (Id Record) Record)
  100   }
  102 instance Monoid VolumeCache where
  103   mempty = VolumeCache Nothing Nothing Nothing
  104   mappend (VolumeCache a1 t1 r1) (VolumeCache a2 t2 r2) = VolumeCache (a1 <|> a2) (t1 <|> t2) (r1 <> r2)
  106 runVolumeCache :: StateT VolumeCache Handler a -> Handler a
  107 runVolumeCache f = evalStateT f mempty
  109 cacheVolumeAccess :: Volume -> Permission -> StateT VolumeCache Handler [VolumeAccess]
  110 cacheVolumeAccess vol perm = do
  111   vc <- get
  112   takeWhile ((perm <=) . volumeAccessIndividual) <$>
  113     fromMaybeM (do
  114       a <- lookupVolumeAccess vol PermissionNONE
  115       put vc{ volumeCacheAccess = Just a }
  116       return a)
  117       (volumeCacheAccess vc)
  119 cacheVolumeRecords :: Volume -> StateT VolumeCache Handler ([Record], HML.HashMap (Id Record) Record)
  120 cacheVolumeRecords vol = do
  121   vc <- get
  122   maybe (do
  123     l <- lookupVolumeRecords vol
  124     let m = HML.fromList [ (recordId $ recordRow r, r) | r <- l ]
  125     put vc{ volumeCacheRecords = Just m }
  126     return (l, m))
  127     (return . (HML.elems &&& id))
  128     (volumeCacheRecords vc)
  130 cacheVolumeTopContainer :: Volume -> StateT VolumeCache Handler Container
  131 cacheVolumeTopContainer vol = do
  132   vc <- get
  133   fromMaybeM (do
  134     t <- lookupVolumeTopContainer vol
  135     put vc{ volumeCacheTopContainer = Just t }
  136     return t)
  137     (volumeCacheTopContainer vc)
  139 leftJoin :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> [a] -> [b] -> [(a, [b])]
  140 leftJoin _ [] [] = []
  141 leftJoin _ [] _ = error "leftJoin: leftovers"
  142 leftJoin p (a:al) b = uncurry (:) $ (,) a *** leftJoin p al $ span (p a) b
  144 volumeIsPublicRestricted :: Volume -> Bool
  145 volumeIsPublicRestricted v =
  146   case volumeRolePolicy v of
  147     RolePublicViewer PublicRestrictedPolicy -> True
  148     RoleSharedViewer SharedRestrictedPolicy -> True
  149     _ -> False
  151 volumeJSONField :: Volume -> BS.ByteString -> Maybe BS.ByteString -> StateT VolumeCache Handler (Maybe JSON.Encoding)
  152 volumeJSONField vol "access" ma =
  153   Just . JSON.mapObjects volumeAccessPartyJSON
  154     <$> cacheVolumeAccess vol (fromMaybe PermissionNONE $ readDBEnum . BSC.unpack =<< ma)
  155 volumeJSONField vol "citation" _ =
  156   Just . JSON.toEncoding <$> lookupVolumeCitation vol
  157 volumeJSONField vol "links" _ =
  158   Just . JSON.toEncoding <$> lookupVolumeLinks vol
  159 volumeJSONField vol "funding" _ =
  160   Just . JSON.mapObjects fundingJSON <$> lookupVolumeFunding vol
  161 volumeJSONField vol "containers" mContainersVal = do
  162   (cl :: [(Container, [(Segment, Id Record)])]) <- if records
  163   then lookupVolumeContainersRecordIds vol
  164   else nope <$> lookupVolumeContainers vol
  165   (cl' :: [((Container, [(Segment, Id Record)]), [(Asset, SlotId)])]) <- if assets
  166     then leftJoin (\(c, _) (_, SlotId a _) -> containerId (containerRow c) == a) cl <$> lookupVolumeAssetSlotIds vol
  167     else return $ nope cl
  168   rm <- if records then snd <$> cacheVolumeRecords vol else return HM.empty
  169   let publicRestricted = volumeIsPublicRestricted vol
  170       br = blankRecord undefined vol
  171       rjs c (s, r)          = JSON.recordObject $ recordSlotJSON publicRestricted $ RecordSlot (HML.lookupDefault br{ recordRow = (recordRow br){ recordId = r } } r rm) (Slot c s)
  172       ajs c (a, SlotId _ s) = JSON.recordObject $ assetSlotJSON publicRestricted $ AssetSlot a (Just (Slot c s))
  173   return $ Just $ JSON.mapRecords (\((c, rl), al) ->
  174       containerJSON publicRestricted c
  175       `JSON.foldObjectIntoRec`
  176             (   (if records then JSON.nestObject "records" (\u -> map (u . rjs c) rl) else mempty)
  177              <> (if assets  then JSON.nestObject "assets"  (\u -> map (u . ajs c) al) else mempty)))
  178     cl'
  179   where
  180   full = mContainersVal == Just "all"
  181   assets = full || mContainersVal == Just "assets"
  182   records = full || mContainersVal == Just "records"
  183   nope = map (, [])
  184 volumeJSONField vol "top" _ = do
  185   topCntr <- cacheVolumeTopContainer vol
  186   let publicRestricted = volumeIsPublicRestricted vol
  187   (return . Just . JSON.recordEncoding . containerJSON publicRestricted) topCntr
  188 volumeJSONField vol "records" _ = do
  189   (l, _) <- cacheVolumeRecords vol
  190   let publicRestricted = volumeIsPublicRestricted vol
  191   return $ Just $ JSON.mapRecords (recordJSON publicRestricted) l
  192 volumeJSONField vol "metrics" _ =
  193   let metricsCaching = lookupVolumeMetrics vol
  194   in (Just . JSON.toEncoding) <$> metricsCaching
  195 volumeJSONField vol "excerpts" _ =
  196   Just . JSON.mapObjects (\e -> excerptJSON e
  197     <> "asset" JSON..=: (assetSlotJSON False (view e) -- should publicRestricted be set based on volume?
  198       `JSON.foldObjectIntoRec` ("container" JSON..= (view e :: Id Container))))
  199     <$> lookupVolumeExcerpts vol
  200 volumeJSONField vol "tags" n = do
  201   t <- cacheVolumeTopContainer vol
  202   tc <- lookupSlotTagCoverage (containerSlot t) (maybe 64 fst $ BSC.readInt =<< n)
  203   return $ Just $ JSON.mapRecords tagCoverageJSON tc
  204 volumeJSONField vol "comments" n = do
  205   t <- cacheVolumeTopContainer vol
  206   tc <- lookupSlotComments (containerSlot t) (maybe 64 fst $ BSC.readInt =<< n)
  207   return $ Just $ JSON.mapRecords commentJSON tc
  208 volumeJSONField vol "state" _ =
  209   Just . JSON.toEncoding . JSON.object . map (volumeStateKey &&& volumeStateValue) <$> lookupVolumeState ((volumeId . volumeRow) vol) (volumeRolePolicy vol)
  210 volumeJSONField o "filename" _ =
  211   return $ Just $ JSON.toEncoding $ makeFilename $ volumeDownloadName o
  212 volumeJSONField _ _ _ = return Nothing
  214 volumeJSONQuery :: Volume -> Maybe [VolumeAccess] -> JSON.Query -> Handler (JSON.Record (Id Volume) JSON.Series)
  215 volumeJSONQuery vol mAccesses q =
  216   let seriesCaching :: StateT VolumeCache Handler JSON.Series
  217       seriesCaching = JSON.jsonQuery (volumeJSONField vol) q
  218       expandedVolJSONcaching :: StateT VolumeCache Handler (JSON.Record (Id Volume) JSON.Series)
  219       expandedVolJSONcaching = (\series -> volumeJSON vol mAccesses `JSON.foldObjectIntoRec` series) <$> seriesCaching
  220   in
  221     runVolumeCache expandedVolJSONcaching
  223 volumeDownloadName :: Volume -> [T.Text]
  224 volumeDownloadName v =
  225   T.pack ("databrary" ++ show (volumeId $ volumeRow v))
  226     : map (T.takeWhile (',' /=) . snd) (volumeOwners v)
  227     ++ [fromMaybe (volumeName $ volumeRow v) (getVolumeAlias v)]
  229 viewVolume :: ActionRoute (API, Id Volume)
  230 viewVolume = action GET (pathAPI </> pathId) $ \(api, vi) -> withAuth $ do
  231   when (api == HTML) angular
  232   v <- getVolume PermissionPUBLIC vi
  233   accesses <- lookupVolumeAccess v PermissionNONE
  234   -- (liftIO . print) ("num accesses", length accesses)
  235   -- case api of
  236   let idSeriesRecAct :: Handler (JSON.Record (Id Volume) JSON.Series)
  237       idSeriesRecAct = volumeJSONQuery v (Just accesses) =<< peeks Wai.queryString
  238   okResponse [] . JSON.recordEncoding <$> idSeriesRecAct
  239   {-
  240     HTML -> do
  241       top <- lookupVolumeTopContainer v
  242       t <- lookupSlotKeywords $ containerSlot top
  243       peeks $ okResponse [] . htmlVolumeView v t
  244   -}
  246 data CreateOrUpdateVolumeCitationRequest =
  247     CreateOrUpdateVolumeCitationRequest
  248         T.Text
  249         (Maybe T.Text)
  250         (Maybe T.Text)
  251         T.Text
  252         (Maybe URI)
  253         (Maybe Int16)
  255 volumeForm :: Volume -> DeformHandler f Volume
  256 volumeForm v = do
  257   name <- "name" .:> deform
  258   alias <- "alias" .:> deformNonEmpty deform
  259   body <- "body" .:> deformNonEmpty deform
  260   return v
  261     { volumeRow = (volumeRow v)
  262       { volumeName = name
  263       , volumeAlias = alias
  264       , volumeBody = body
  265       }
  266     }
  268 -- FIXME: Too impure, and needs test: What elements of the input are modified?
  269 volumeCitationForm :: Volume -> DeformHandler f (Volume, Maybe Citation, CreateOrUpdateVolumeCitationRequest)
  270 volumeCitationForm v = do
  271   csrfForm
  272   vol <- volumeForm v
  273   cite <- "citation" .:> Citation
  274     <$> ("head" .:> deform)
  275     <*> ("url" .:> deformNonEmpty deform)
  276     <*> ("year" .:> deformNonEmpty deform)
  277     <*> pure Nothing
  278   let createOrUpdateVolumeCitationRequest =
  279         CreateOrUpdateVolumeCitationRequest
  280             ((volumeName . volumeRow) vol)
  281             ((volumeAlias . volumeRow) vol)
  282             ((volumeBody . volumeRow) vol)
  283             (citationHead cite)
  284             (citationURL cite)
  285             (citationYear cite)
  286   look <- flatMapM (lift . focusIO . lookupCitation) $
  287     guard (T.null (volumeName $ volumeRow vol) || T.null (citationHead cite) || isNothing (citationYear cite)) >> citationURL cite
  288   let fill = maybe cite (cite <>) look
  289       empty = T.null (citationHead fill) && isNothing (citationURL fill) && isNothing (citationYear fill)
  290       name
  291         | Just title <- citationTitle fill
  292         , T.null (volumeName $ volumeRow vol) = title
  293         | otherwise = volumeName $ volumeRow vol
  294   _ <- "name" .:> deformRequired name
  295   when (not empty) $ void $
  296     "citation" .:> "head" .:> deformRequired (citationHead fill)
  297   return (vol{ volumeRow = (volumeRow vol){ volumeName = name } }, empty `unlessUse` fill, createOrUpdateVolumeCitationRequest)
  299 viewVolumeEdit :: ActionRoute (Id Volume)
  300 viewVolumeEdit = action GET (pathHTML >/> pathId </< "edit") $ \_ -> withAuth $ do
  301   angular
  302   return (okResponse [] ("" :: String)) -- should never get here
  304 viewVolumeCreateHandler :: Action  -- TODO : GET only
  305 viewVolumeCreateHandler = withAuth $ do
  306   angular
  307   return (okResponse [] ("" :: String)) -- should never get here
  309 postVolume :: ActionRoute (Id Volume)
  310 postVolume = action POST (pathJSON >/> pathId) $ \vi -> withAuth $ do
  311   v <- getVolume PermissionEDIT vi
  312   cite <- lookupVolumeCitation v
  313   (v', cite', _) <- runForm (Nothing :: Maybe (RequestContext -> FormHtml a)) $ volumeCitationForm v
  314   changeVolume v'
  315   r <- changeVolumeCitation v' cite'
  316   return $ okResponse [] $
  317     JSON.recordEncoding $ volumeJSONSimple v' `JSON.foldObjectIntoRec` ("citation" JSON..= if r then cite' else cite)
  319 data CreateVolumeRequest =
  320     CreateVolumeRequest (Maybe (Id Party)) CreateOrUpdateVolumeCitationRequest
  322 createVolume :: ActionRoute ()
  323 createVolume = action POST (pathJSON >/> "volume") $ \() -> withAuth $ do
  324   u <- peek
  325   (bv, cite, owner) <- runForm (Nothing :: Maybe (RequestContext -> FormHtml a)) $ do
  326     csrfForm
  327     (bv, cite, req) <- volumeCitationForm blankVolume
  328     own <- "owner" .:> do
  329       oi <- deformOptional deform
  330       let _ = CreateVolumeRequest oi req
  331       own <- maybe (return $ Just $ selfAuthorize u) (lift . lookupAuthorizeParent u) $ mfilter (partyId (partyRow u) /=) oi
  332       deformMaybe' "You are not authorized to create volumes for that owner." $
  333         authorizeParent . authorization <$> mfilter ((PermissionADMIN <=) . accessMember) own
  334     auth <- lift $ lookupAuthorization own rootParty
  335     deformGuard "Insufficient site authorization to create volume." $
  336       PermissionEDIT <= accessSite auth
  337     return (bv, cite, own)
  338   v <- addVolume bv
  339   _ <- changeVolumeCitation v cite
  340   setDefaultVolumeAccessesForCreated owner v
  341   when (on (/=) (partyId . partyRow) owner u) $ forM_ (partyAccount owner) $ \t ->
  342     createNotification (blankNotification t NoticeVolumeCreated)
  343       { notificationVolume = Just $ volumeRow v
  344       , notificationParty = Just $ partyRow owner
  345       }
  346   return $ okResponse [] $ JSON.recordEncoding $ volumeJSONSimple v
  348 newtype UpdateVolumeLinksRequest =
  349     UpdateVolumeLinksRequest [(T.Text, Maybe URI)]
  351 postVolumeLinks :: ActionRoute (Id Volume)
  352 postVolumeLinks = action POST (pathJSON >/> pathId </< "link") $ \vi -> withAuth $ do
  353   v <- getVolume PermissionEDIT vi
  354   -- links <- lookupVolumeLinks v
  355   links' <- runForm (Nothing :: Maybe (RequestContext -> FormHtml a)) $ do
  356     csrfForm
  357     res <- withSubDeforms $ \_ -> Citation
  358       <$> ("head" .:> deform)
  359       <*> ("url" .:> (Just <$> deform))
  360       <*> pure Nothing
  361       <*> pure Nothing
  362     let _ = UpdateVolumeLinksRequest (fmap (\c -> (citationHead c, citationURL c)) res)
  363     pure res
  364   changeVolumeLinks v links'
  365   return $ okResponse [] $ JSON.recordEncoding $ volumeJSONSimple v `JSON.foldObjectIntoRec` ("links" JSON..= links')
  366   -- HTML -> peeks $ otherRouteResponse [] viewVolume arg
  368 postVolumeAssist :: ActionRoute (Id Volume)
  369 postVolumeAssist = action POST (pathJSON >/> pathId </< "assist") $ \vi -> withAuth $ do
  370   user <- authAccount
  371   v <- getVolume PermissionEDIT vi
  372   addr <- peeks staticAssistAddr
  373   cont <- parseRequestContent (const 0)
  374   body <- case cont :: Content () of
  375     ContentText body -> return body
  376     _ -> result $ emptyResponse unsupportedMediaType415 []
  377   sendMail [Left addr] [Right user] ("Databrary upload assistance request for volume " <> T.pack (show vi)) $ TL.fromChunks
  378     [ partyName $ partyRow $ accountParty user, " has requested curation assistance for ", volumeName $ volumeRow v, "\n\n" ] <> body `TL.snoc` '\n'
  379   createVolumeNotification v ($ NoticeVolumeAssist)
  380   return $ emptyResponse noContent204 []
  382 volumeSearchForm :: DeformHandler f VolumeFilter
  383 volumeSearchForm = VolumeFilter
  384   <$> ("query" .:> deformNonEmpty deform)
  385   <*> ("party" .:> optional deform)
  386   <*> paginateForm
  388 queryVolumes :: ActionRoute API
  389 queryVolumes = action GET (pathAPI </< "volume") $ \api -> withAuth $ do
  390   when (api == HTML) angular
  391   vf <- runForm (Nothing :: Maybe (RequestContext -> FormHtml a)) volumeSearchForm
  392   p <- findVolumes vf
  393   return $ okResponse [] $ JSON.mapRecords volumeJSONSimple p
  394   -- HTML -> peeks $ blankForm . htmlVolumeSearch vf p
  396 thumbVolume :: ActionRoute (Id Volume)
  397 thumbVolume = action GET (pathId </< "thumb") $ \vi -> withAuth $ do
  398   v <- getVolume PermissionPUBLIC vi
  399   e <- lookupVolumeThumb v
  400   maybe
  401     (peeks $ otherRouteResponse [] webFile (Just $ staticPath ["images", "draft.png"]))
  402     (\as -> peeks $ otherRouteResponse [] downloadAssetSegment (slotId $ view as, view as))
  403     e