1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
    2 module Controller.Ingest
    3   ( viewIngest
    4   , postIngest
    5   , detectParticipantCSV
    6   , runParticipantUpload
    7   -- for tests
    8   , mappingParser
    9   , buildParticipantRecordAction
   10   , ParticipantStatus(..)
   11   , MeasureUpdateAction(..)
   12   , ParticipantRecordAction(..)
   13   ) where
   15 import Control.Arrow (right)
   16 import Control.Monad (unless)
   17 import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
   18 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
   19 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
   20 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
   21 import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
   22 import Data.Monoid ((<>))
   23 import Data.Text (Text)
   24 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
   25 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
   26 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE
   27 import Data.Vector (Vector)
   28 import Data.Word (Word64)
   29 import Network.HTTP.Types (badRequest400)
   30 import Network.Wai.Parse (FileInfo(..))
   31 import System.Posix.FilePath (takeExtension)
   33 import Data.Csv.Contrib (parseCsvWithHeader, getHeaders, removeBomPrefixText)
   34 import qualified JSON
   35 import Ops
   36 import Has
   37 import Model.Category
   38 import Model.Id
   39 import Model.Metric (Metric)
   40 import Model.Ingest
   41 import Model.Permission
   42 import Model.Measure
   43 import Model.Metric
   44 import Model.Party
   45 import Model.Record
   46 import Model.Volume
   47 import Model.VolumeMetric
   48 import Model.Container
   49 import Ingest.Action
   50 import Ingest.JSON
   51 import HTTP.Path.Parser
   52 import HTTP.Form.Deform
   53 import Action.Route
   54 import Action
   55 import Controller.Paths
   56 import Controller.Permission
   57 import Controller.Form
   58 import Controller.Volume
   59 import Store.Types
   60 import View.Form (FormHtml)
   61 import View.Ingest
   63 viewIngest :: ActionRoute (Id Volume)
   64 viewIngest = action GET (pathId </< "ingest") $ \vi -> withAuth $ do
   65   checkMemberADMIN
   66   s <- focusIO getIngestStatus
   67   v <- getVolume PermissionEDIT vi
   68   peeks $ blankForm . htmlIngestForm v s
   70 data ControlIngestRequest =
   71       AbortIngest Bool
   72     | RunIngest Bool Bool (FileInfo JSON.Value)
   74 postIngest :: ActionRoute (Id Volume)
   75 postIngest = multipartAction $ action POST (pathId </< "ingest") $ \vi -> withAuth $ do
   76   checkMemberADMIN
   77   s <- focusIO getIngestStatus
   78   v <- getVolume PermissionEDIT vi
   79   a <- runFormFiles [("json", 16*1024*1024)] (Just $ htmlIngestForm v s) $ do
   80     csrfForm
   81     AbortIngest abort <- AbortIngest <$> ("abort" .:> deform)
   82     abort `unlessReturn` (RunIngest
   83       <$> ("run" .:> deform)
   84       <*> ("overwrite" .:> deform)
   85       <*> ("json" .:> do
   86               (fileInfo :: FileInfo JSON.Value) <- deform
   87               deformCheck
   88                    "Must be JSON."
   89                    (\f -> fileContentType f `elem` ["text/json", "application/json"] || takeExtension (fileName f) == ".json")
   90                    fileInfo))
   91   r <- maybe
   92     (True <$ focusIO abortIngest)
   93     (\(RunIngest r o j) -> runIngest $ right (map (unId . containerId . containerRow)) <$> ingestJSON v (fileContent j) r o)
   94     a
   95   unless r $ result $ response badRequest400 [] ("failed" :: String)
   96   peeks $ otherRouteResponse [] viewIngest (volumeId $ volumeRow v)
   98 maxWidelyAcceptableHttpBodyFileSize :: Word64
   99 maxWidelyAcceptableHttpBodyFileSize = 16*1024*1024
  101 data DetectParticipantCSVRequest = DetectParticipantCSVRequest (FileInfo TL.Text)
  103 -- TODO: maybe put csv file save/retrieve in Store module
  104 detectParticipantCSV :: ActionRoute (Id Volume)
  105 detectParticipantCSV = action POST (pathJSON >/> pathId </< "detectParticipantCSV") $ \vi -> withAuth $ do
  106     v <- getVolume PermissionEDIT vi
  107     (auth :: SiteAuth) <- peek
  108     (store :: Storage) <- peek
  109     DetectParticipantCSVRequest csvFileInfo <-
  110       -- TODO: is Nothing okay here?
  111       runFormFiles [("file", maxWidelyAcceptableHttpBodyFileSize)] (Nothing :: Maybe (RequestContext -> FormHtml TL.Text)) $ do
  112           csrfForm
  113           fileInfo :: (FileInfo TL.Text) <- "file" .:> deform
  114           return (DetectParticipantCSVRequest fileInfo)
  115     -- liftIO (print ("after extract form"))
  116     let uploadFileContents' = (BSL.toStrict . TLE.encodeUtf8 . removeBomPrefixText . fileContent) csvFileInfo
  117     -- liftIO (print "uploaded contents below")
  118     -- liftIO (print uploadFileContents')
  119     case parseCsvWithHeader uploadFileContents' of
  120         Left err ->
  121             pure (response badRequest400 [] err)
  122         Right (hdrs, records) -> do
  123             metrics <- lookupVolumeParticipantMetrics v
  124             -- liftIO (print ("before check determine", show hdrs))
  125             case checkDetermineMapping metrics ((fmap TE.decodeUtf8 . getHeaders) hdrs) uploadFileContents' of
  126                 Left err ->
  127                     -- if column check failed, then don't save csv file and response is error
  128                     pure (response badRequest400 [] err)
  129                 Right participantFieldMapping -> do
  130                     let uploadFileName =
  131                             uniqueUploadName auth v ((BSC.unpack . fileName) csvFileInfo)
  132                     liftIO
  133                         (BS.writeFile
  134                              ((BSC.unpack . getStorageTempParticipantUpload uploadFileName) store)
  135                              uploadFileContents')
  136                     pure
  137                         $ okResponse []
  138                             $ JSON.recordEncoding -- TODO: not record encoding
  139                                 $ JSON.Record vi
  140                                     $      "csv_upload_id" JSON..= uploadFileName
  141                                         -- TODO: samples for mapped columns only
  142                                         <> "column_samples" JSON..= extractColumnsDistinctSampleJson 5 hdrs records
  143                                         <> "suggested_mapping" JSON..= participantFieldMappingToJSON participantFieldMapping
  144                                         <> "columns_firstvals" JSON..= extractColumnsInitialJson 5 hdrs records
  146 -- TODO: move this to Store.ParticipantUploadTemp
  147 uniqueUploadName :: SiteAuth -> Volume -> String -> String
  148 uniqueUploadName siteAuth vol uploadName =
  149     uniqueUploadName'
  150         ((partyId . partyRow . accountParty . siteAccount) siteAuth)
  151         ((volumeId . volumeRow) vol)
  152         uploadName
  154 uniqueUploadName' :: Id Party -> Id Volume -> String -> String
  155 uniqueUploadName' uid vid uploadName =
  156     show uid <> "-" <> show vid <> "-" <> uploadName
  157 ----- end
  159 data RunParticipantUploadRequest = RunParticipantUploadRequest String JSON.Value
  161 runParticipantUpload :: ActionRoute (Id Volume)
  162 runParticipantUpload = action POST (pathJSON >/> pathId </< "runParticipantUpload") $ \vi -> withAuth $ do
  163     v <- getVolume PermissionEDIT vi
  164     (store :: Storage) <- peek
  165     -- reqCtxt <- peek
  166     RunParticipantUploadRequest csvUploadId selectedMapping <- runForm Nothing $ do
  167         csrfForm
  168         (uploadId :: String) <- "csv_upload_id" .:> deform
  169         mapping <- "selected_mapping" .:> deform
  170         pure (RunParticipantUploadRequest uploadId mapping)
  171     -- TODO: resolve csv id to absolute path; http error if unknown
  172     uploadFileContents <-
  173         (liftIO . BS.readFile) ((BSC.unpack . getStorageTempParticipantUpload csvUploadId) store)
  174     case JSON.parseEither mappingParser selectedMapping of
  175         Left err ->
  176             pure (response badRequest400 [] err) -- bad json shape or keys
  177         Right mpngVal -> do
  178             participantActiveMetrics <- lookupVolumeParticipantMetrics v
  179             case parseParticipantFieldMapping participantActiveMetrics mpngVal of
  180                 Left err ->
  181                     pure (response badRequest400 [] err) -- mapping of inactive metrics or missing metric
  182                 Right mpngs ->
  183                     case attemptParseRows mpngs uploadFileContents of
  184                         Left err ->   -- invalid value in row
  185                             pure (response badRequest400 [] err)
  186                         Right (_, records) ->
  187                             let response' =
  188                                     okResponse []
  189                                         $ JSON.recordEncoding -- TODO: not record encoding
  190                                         $       JSON.Record vi
  191                                         $       "succeeded"
  192                                         JSON..= True
  193                             in  response' <$ runImport v records
  195 mappingParser :: JSON.Value -> JSON.Parser [(Metric, Text)]
  196 mappingParser val = do
  197     (entries :: [HeaderMappingEntry]) <- JSON.parseJSON val
  198     pure (fmap (\e -> (hmeMetric e, hmeCsvField e)) entries)
  200 -- TODO: move all below to Model.Ingest
  201  -- TODO: error or count
  202 runImport :: Volume -> Vector ParticipantRecord -> Handler (Vector ())
  203 runImport vol records =
  204     mapM (createOrUpdateRecord vol) records
  206 data ParticipantStatus = Create | Found Record
  208 data MeasureUpdateAction = Upsert Metric MeasureDatum | Delete Metric | Unchanged Metric | NoAction Metric
  209     deriving (Show, Eq)
  211 data ParticipantRecordAction = ParticipantRecordAction ParticipantStatus [MeasureUpdateAction]
  213 buildParticipantRecordAction :: ParticipantRecord -> ParticipantStatus -> ParticipantRecordAction
  214 buildParticipantRecordAction participantRecord updatingRecord =
  215     let
  216         mId = getFieldVal' prdId participantMetricId
  217         mInfo = getFieldVal' prdInfo participantMetricInfo
  218         mDescription = getFieldVal' prdDescription participantMetricDescription
  219         mBirthdate = getFieldVal' prdBirthdate participantMetricBirthdate
  220         mGender = getFieldVal' prdGender participantMetricGender
  221         mRace = getFieldVal' prdRace participantMetricRace
  222         mEthnicity = getFieldVal' prdEthnicity participantMetricEthnicity
  223         mGestationalAge = getFieldVal' prdGestationalAge participantMetricGestationalAge
  224         mPregnancyTerm = getFieldVal' prdPregnancyTerm participantMetricPregnancyTerm
  225         mBirthWeight = getFieldVal' prdBirthWeight participantMetricBirthWeight
  226         mDisability = getFieldVal' prdDisability participantMetricDisability
  227         mLanguage = getFieldVal' prdLanguage participantMetricLanguage
  228         mCountry = getFieldVal' prdCountry participantMetricCountry
  229         mState = getFieldVal' prdState participantMetricState
  230         mSetting = getFieldVal' prdSetting participantMetricSetting
  231         -- print ("save measure id:", mId)
  232         measureActions =
  233             [ changeRecordMeasureIfUsed mId
  234             , changeRecordMeasureIfUsed mInfo
  235             , changeRecordMeasureIfUsed mDescription
  236             , changeRecordMeasureIfUsed mBirthdate
  237             , changeRecordMeasureIfUsed mGender
  238             , changeRecordMeasureIfUsed mRace
  239             , changeRecordMeasureIfUsed mEthnicity
  240             , changeRecordMeasureIfUsed mGestationalAge
  241             , changeRecordMeasureIfUsed mPregnancyTerm
  242             , changeRecordMeasureIfUsed mBirthWeight
  243             , changeRecordMeasureIfUsed mDisability
  244             , changeRecordMeasureIfUsed mLanguage
  245             , changeRecordMeasureIfUsed mCountry
  246             , changeRecordMeasureIfUsed mState
  247             , changeRecordMeasureIfUsed mSetting
  248             ]
  249     in
  250         ParticipantRecordAction updatingRecord (catMaybes measureActions)
  251   where
  252     changeRecordMeasureIfUsed :: Maybe (Maybe MeasureDatum, Metric) -> Maybe MeasureUpdateAction
  253     changeRecordMeasureIfUsed mValueMetric = do
  254         (mVal, met) <- mValueMetric
  255         pure (determineUpdatedMeasure mVal met)
  256     determineUpdatedMeasure :: Maybe MeasureDatum -> Metric -> MeasureUpdateAction
  257     determineUpdatedMeasure mVal met =
  258         case updatingRecord of
  259             Create ->
  260                 maybe (NoAction met) (Upsert met) mVal
  261             Found _ -> do
  262                  -- TODO:
  263                  -- mOldVal <- getOldVal metric record
  264                  -- action = maybe (Upsert val) (\o -> if o == val then Unchanged else Upsert val)
  265                  let measureAction = maybe (Delete met) (Upsert met) mVal
  266                  measureAction
  267     getFieldVal' :: (ParticipantRecord -> FieldUse a) -> Metric -> Maybe (Maybe MeasureDatum, Metric)
  268     getFieldVal' = getFieldVal participantRecord
  270 getFieldVal
  271     :: ParticipantRecord
  272     -> (ParticipantRecord -> FieldUse a)
  273     -> Metric
  274     -> Maybe (Maybe MeasureDatum, Metric)
  275 getFieldVal participantRecord extractFieldVal metric =
  276     case extractFieldVal participantRecord of
  277         Field fieldVal _ -> pure (Just fieldVal, metric)
  278         FieldEmpty -> pure (Nothing, metric)
  279         FieldUnused -> Nothing
  280             -- field isn't used by this volume, so don't need to save the measure
  282 createOrUpdateRecord :: Volume -> ParticipantRecord -> Handler () -- TODO: error or record
  283 createOrUpdateRecord vol participantRecord = do
  284     let category = getCategory' (Id 1) -- TODO: use global variable
  285         mIdVal = fst $ maybe (error "id missing") id (getFieldVal' prdId participantMetricId)
  286         idVal = maybe (error "id empty") id mIdVal
  287     mOldParticipant <- lookupVolumeParticipant vol idVal
  288     let recordStatus =
  289             case mOldParticipant of
  290                 Nothing -> Create
  291                 Just oldParticipant -> Found oldParticipant
  292     -- print ("save measure id:", mId)
  293     case buildParticipantRecordAction participantRecord recordStatus of
  294         ParticipantRecordAction Create measureActs -> do
  295             newParticipantShell <- addRecord (blankRecord category vol) -- blankParticipantRecord
  296             _ <- mapM (runMeasureUpdate newParticipantShell) measureActs
  297             pure () -- TODO: reload participant
  298         ParticipantRecordAction (Found oldRecord) measureActs -> do
  299             _ <- mapM (runMeasureUpdate oldRecord) measureActs
  300             pure ()
  301   where
  302     runMeasureUpdate :: Record -> MeasureUpdateAction -> Handler (Maybe Record)
  303     runMeasureUpdate record act =
  304         case act of
  305             Upsert met val -> changeRecordMeasure (Measure record met val)
  306             Delete met -> fmap Just (removeRecordMeasure (Measure record met ""))
  307             Unchanged _ -> pure Nothing
  308             NoAction _ -> pure Nothing
  309     getFieldVal' :: (ParticipantRecord -> FieldUse a) -> Metric -> Maybe (Maybe MeasureDatum, Metric)
  310     getFieldVal' = getFieldVal participantRecord