1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
    2 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
    4 -- |
    5 -- How to run Databrary Actions.
    6 --
    7 -- This module is the foundation of the site. It provides a method for packaging
    8 -- up route actions into 'Wai.Application's (which is effectively the HTTP
    9 -- transport layer), as well as a method for packaging them into background
   10 -- threads.
   11 module Action.Run
   12   (
   13   -- * \"Framework\" code
   14     actionApp
   15   , forkAction
   16   -- * Declaring authentication needs for Actions
   17   , withAuth
   18   , withoutAuth
   19   , withReAuth
   20   -- * The underlying type
   21   , Action
   22   ) where
   24 import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, forkFinally)
   25 import Control.Exception (SomeException)
   26 import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT(..), withReaderT, local)
   27 import Data.Time (getCurrentTime)
   28 import Network.HTTP.Types (hDate, hCacheControl, methodHead)
   29 import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
   31 import Has
   32 import HTTP
   33 import Service.DB
   34 import Service.Types
   35 import Service.Log
   36 import Model.Identity
   37 import Model.Id.Types
   38 import Model.Party.Types
   39 import HTTP.Request
   40 import Context
   41 import Action.Types
   42 import Action.Request
   43 import Action.Response
   45 -- |
   46 -- Transform a web request to a lower-level action.
   47 --
   48 -- Given an action that runs in a top-level Handler, build the necessary context
   49 -- for that action, and run in it in the base-level ActionContextM
   50 --
   51 -- Handler has a richer context: it has all of ActionContext, plus Identity and
   52 -- the Wai Request.
   53 withHandler
   54     :: forall a
   55      . Request -- ^ The wai request to handle
   56     -> Identity -- ^ The identity to use for this action
   57     -> Handler a -- ^ The action to perform
   58     -> ActionContextM a -- ^ The base-level control access to the system
   59 withHandler waiReq identity h =
   60     let (handler :: ReaderT RequestContext IO a) = unHandler h
   61     in withReaderT (\(c :: ActionContext) -> RequestContext c waiReq identity) handler
   63 -- | Authentication requirements for an 'Action'.
   64 data NeedsAuthentication = NeedsAuthentication | DoesntNeedAuthentication
   66 -- | This type captures both the authentication needs and the handler for a
   67 -- route.
   68 --
   69 -- It extends ActionRoute, which already has most info about a route and how to
   70 -- serve it, to include the authentication requirement.
   71 data Action = Action
   72     { _actionAuthentication :: !NeedsAuthentication
   73     , _actionM :: !(Handler Response)
   74     }
   76 -- | Convert an Action into a Wai.Application.
   77 --
   78 -- This is the 3rd level of the Databrary \"web framework\". It runs the
   79 -- requested action with some resolved identity to build the HTTP response. See
   80 -- 'actionRouteApp' for level 2, and 'servantApp' for level 1.
   81 --
   82 -- TODO: For converting to Servant, this whole function should be duplicated by
   83 -- new combinators.
   84 --
   85 -- For instance, there is a section (in the second 'let', within the do) where
   86 -- headers are added to the response. Servant requires us to put that in the
   87 -- type, which can be easily done. We can even make a combinator for looking up
   88 -- auth results and logging access. After all that, we should be able to create
   89 -- something with HoistServer that will run the rest of the (Databrary) Handler.
   90 --
   91 -- But then we'll have to map the Response (Action ~ ReaderT RequestContext IO
   92 -- Response) into something else! And how do we catch exceptions? Plain old
   93 -- catch blocks? And what do we convert exceptions into?
   94 actionApp
   95     :: Service -- ^ All the low-level system capabilities
   96     -> Action -- ^ Action to run
   97     -> Wai.Application -- ^ Callback for Wai
   98 actionApp service (Action needsAuth act) waiReq waiSend =
   99     let
  100         isdb = isDatabraryClient waiReq
  101         authenticatedAct :: ActionContextM (Identity, Response)
  102         authenticatedAct = do
  103             sec <- peek
  104             conn <- peek
  105             identity <- fetchIdent sec conn waiReq needsAuth
  106             waiResponse <-
  107                 ReaderT
  108                     -- runResult unwraps the short-circuit machinery from
  109                     -- "Action.Response", returning IO Response.
  110                     $ \actCtx ->
  111                         runResult
  112                             (runHandler act (RequestContext actCtx waiReq identity))
  113             return (identity, waiResponse)
  114       in do
  115           ts <- getCurrentTime
  116           (identityUsed, waiResponse) <- runContextM authenticatedAct service
  117           logAccess
  118               ts
  119               waiReq
  120               (extractFromIdentifiedSessOrDefault
  121                   Nothing
  122                   (Just . (show :: Id Party -> String) . view)
  123                   identityUsed)
  124               waiResponse
  125               (serviceLogs service)
  126           let
  127               waiResponse' = Wai.mapResponseHeaders
  128                   (((hDate, formatHTTPTimestamp ts) :)
  129                     . (if isdb then ((hCacheControl, "no-cache") :) else id))
  130                   waiResponse
  131           waiSend $ if Wai.requestMethod waiReq == methodHead
  132               then emptyResponse
  133                   (Wai.responseStatus waiResponse')
  134                   (Wai.responseHeaders waiResponse')
  135               else waiResponse'
  137 -- | Special-purpose context for determing the user's identity. We don't need
  138 -- the full Handler for that, and since this is sensitive work, we don't want to
  139 -- just cheat and use it anyway.
  140 data IdContext = IdContext
  141     { ctxReq :: Wai.Request
  142     , ctxSec :: Secret
  143     , ctxConn :: DBConn
  144     }
  146 instance Has Wai.Request IdContext where view = ctxReq
  147 instance Has Secret IdContext where view = ctxSec
  148 instance Has DBConn IdContext where view = ctxConn
  150 -- | Look up the user's identity (or don't)
  151 fetchIdent
  152     :: Secret -- ^ Session key
  153     -> DBConn -- ^ For querying the session table
  154     -> Wai.Request
  155     -- ^ FIXME: Why the entire request? Can we narrow the scope? What is
  156     -- actually needed is the session cookie.
  157     -> NeedsAuthentication
  158     -- ^ Whether or not to actually do the lookup.
  159     --
  160     -- FIXME: This seems like an unncessary complication.
  161     -> ActionContextM Identity
  162 fetchIdent sec con waiReq = \case
  163     NeedsAuthentication ->
  164         runReaderT determineIdentity (IdContext waiReq sec con)
  165     DoesntNeedAuthentication -> return IdentityNotNeeded
  167 -- | Run a Handler action in the background (IO).
  168 --
  169 -- A new ActionContextM is built, with a fresh guaranteed db connection and
  170 -- timestamp, via 'runContextM'
  171 forkAction
  172     :: Handler a -- ^ Handler action to run
  173     -> RequestContext
  174     -- ^ Original context
  175     --
  176     -- The background action inherits this context's 'Request' and 'Service'.
  177     -> (Either SomeException a -> IO ())
  178     -- ^ Cleanup to run when the action exits
  179     -> IO ThreadId
  180 forkAction h reqCtx = forkFinally $ runContextM (withHandler req ident h) srv
  181   where
  182     req = contextRequest reqCtx
  183     ident = requestIdentity reqCtx
  184     srv = contextService (requestContext reqCtx)
  186 -- | Tag an 'Action' as needing to know whether or not the user is
  187 -- authenticated. This simply triggers an extra session lookup in 'actionApp'.
  188 withAuth
  189     :: Handler Response -- ^ The handler for the route
  190     -> Action -- ^ The bundled action
  191 withAuth = Action NeedsAuthentication
  193 -- | Tag an 'Action' as not needing auth. See note at 'withAuth'.
  194 withoutAuth :: Handler Response -> Action
  195 withoutAuth = Action DoesntNeedAuthentication
  197 -- | This may be like a 'su' that allows running an action as a different
  198 -- identity.
  199 withReAuth
  200     :: SiteAuth -- ^ The identity to assume
  201     -> Handler a
  202     -- ^ The action to perform as the assumed identity
  203     --
  204     -- Note that one might argue for an indexed form of 'Handler' here, a la
  205     -- Selda and subqueries.
  206     -> Handler a -- ^ The re-authenticated action, packaged into the original context
  207 withReAuth u =
  208     Handler
  209         . local (\a -> a { requestIdentity = ReIdentified u })
  210         . unHandler