1 -- | This exists to get the full library into the coverage report.
    2 --
    3 -- By including Main, the test exe inherits the full dependency graph,
    4 -- pulling in a few dozen more top-level definitions. Naturally, none of the
    5 -- missing modules are exercised by tests, so until this point, coverage numbers
    6 -- were inflated. Happily, the number only changed by 1% when this fix was made,
    7 -- from 17% to 16%.
    8 module DatabraryMainTest where
   10 import DatabraryMain
   12 import Test.Tasty.HUnit
   14 unit_flagConfig_example :: Assertion
   15 unit_flagConfig_example = do
   16     flagConfig FlagEZID @?= Right FlagEZID