1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
    2 module Databrary.Controller.Login
    3   ( checkPassword
    4   , loginAccount
    5   , viewLogin
    6   , postLogin
    7   , loginHandler
    8   , postLogout
    9   , postLogoutHandler
   10   , postUser
   11   , userHandler
   12   ) where
   14 import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
   15 import Control.Monad (when, unless)
   16 import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
   17 import qualified Crypto.BCrypt as BCrypt
   18 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
   19 import Data.Function (on)
   20 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
   21 import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
   22 import Network.HTTP.Types.Method (methodGet, methodPost)
   23 import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Method as HTM
   25 import Databrary.Ops
   26 import Databrary.Has
   27 import qualified Databrary.JSON as JSON
   28 import Databrary.Model.Id.Types
   29 import Databrary.Model.Party
   30 import Databrary.Model.Identity
   31 import Databrary.Model.Permission
   32 import Databrary.Model.Notification
   33 import Databrary.Model.Token
   34 import Databrary.HTTP.Cookie
   35 import Databrary.HTTP.Form.Deform
   36 import Databrary.HTTP.Path.Parser
   37 import Databrary.Action
   38 import Databrary.Controller.Paths
   39 import Databrary.Controller.Form
   40 import Databrary.Controller.Angular
   41 import Databrary.Controller.Notification
   42 import Databrary.View.Login
   44 import {-# SOURCE #-} Databrary.Controller.Root
   45 import {-# SOURCE #-} Databrary.Controller.Party
   47 loginAccount :: API -> SiteAuth -> Bool -> Handler Response
   48 loginAccount api auth su = do
   49   (sess :: Session) <- createSession auth su
   50   let Token (Id tok) ex = (accountToken . sessionAccountToken) sess
   51   cook <- setSignedCookie "session" tok ex
   52   case api of
   53     JSON -> return $ okResponse [cook] $ JSON.recordEncoding $ identityJSON (Identified sess)
   54     HTML -> peeks $ otherRouteResponse [cook] viewParty (HTML, TargetProfile)
   56 loginHandler :: API -> HTM.Method -> [(BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString)] -> Action
   57 loginHandler api method _
   58     | method == methodGet && api == HTML = viewLoginAction
   59     | method == methodPost = postLoginAction api
   60     | otherwise = error "unhandled api/method combo" -- TODO: better error
   62 viewLogin :: ActionRoute ()
   63 viewLogin = action GET ("user" >/> "login") $ \() -> viewLoginAction
   65 viewLoginAction :: Action
   66 viewLoginAction = withAuth $ do
   67     angular
   68     maybeIdentity
   69         (peeks (blankForm . htmlLogin))
   70         (const (peeks (otherRouteResponse [] viewParty (HTML, TargetProfile))))
   72 checkPassword :: BS.ByteString -> SiteAuth -> Bool
   73 checkPassword p = any (`BCrypt.validatePassword` p) . accountPasswd
   75 postLogin :: ActionRoute API
   76 postLogin = action POST (pathAPI </< "user" </< "login") $ postLoginAction
   78 postLoginAction :: API -> Action
   79 postLoginAction = \api -> withoutAuth $ do
   80   (Just auth, su) <- runForm ((api == HTML) `thenUse` htmlLogin) $ do
   81     email <- "email" .:> emailTextForm
   82     password <- "password" .:> deform
   83     superuser <- "superuser" .:> deform
   84     (auth :: Maybe SiteAuth) <- lift $ lookupSiteAuthByEmail True email
   85     let p :: Maybe Party
   86         p = view <$> auth
   87         -- The site auth will contain a member value, indicating the
   88         --  user's right to edit group 0 (databrary site). There is no
   89         --  inheritance for this value, so this is essentially looking
   90         --  at the member value for the direct authorization between the user and
   91         --  group 0. See examples of typical superadmins like party 1, party 7 in 0.sql.
   92         su = superuser && any ((PermissionADMIN ==) . accessMember) auth
   93     attempts <- lift $ maybe (return 0) recentAccountLogins p
   94     let pass = checkPassword password `any` auth
   95         block = attempts > 4
   96     lift $ auditAccountLogin pass (fromMaybe nobodyParty p) email
   97     when block $ "email" .:> deformError "Too many login attempts. Try again later."
   98     unless pass $ "password" .:> deformError "Incorrect email address or password. Both are case-sensitive, and institutional addresses are preferred."
   99     return (auth, su)
  100   loginAccount api auth su
  102 postLogout :: ActionRoute API
  103 postLogout = action POST (pathAPI </< "user" </< "logout") $ \api -> postLogoutHandler api []
  105 postLogoutHandler :: API -> [(BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString)] -> Action  -- TODO: guard against methods besides POST
  106 postLogoutHandler = \api _ -> withAuth $ do
  107   _ <- maybeIdentity (return False) removeSession
  108   case api of
  109     JSON -> return $ okResponse [cook] $ JSON.recordEncoding $ identityJSON NotLoggedIn
  110     HTML -> peeks $ otherRouteResponse [cook] viewRoot HTML
  111   where cook = clearCookie "session"
  113 userJSONField :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe BS.ByteString -> Handler (Maybe JSON.Encoding)
  114 userJSONField "notifications" _ = Just . JSON.toEncoding <$> countUserNotifications
  115 userJSONField _ _ = return Nothing
  117 userHandler :: API -> [(BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString)] -> Action
  118 userHandler api _ =
  119     withAuth $ do
  120         method <- peeks Wai.requestMethod
  121         if method == methodGet && api == JSON then viewUserAction
  122         else if method == methodPost then postUserAction api
  123         else error "unhandled api/method combo" -- TODO: better error
  125 -- viewUser :: ActionRoute ()
  126 -- viewUser = action GET (pathJSON </< "user") $ \() -> withAuth $ viewUserAction
  128 viewUserAction :: Handler Response
  129 viewUserAction = do
  130   ident <- peek
  131   let i = identityJSON ident
  132   q <- JSON.jsonQuery userJSONField =<< peeks Wai.queryString
  133   return $ okResponse [] (i `JSON.foldObjectIntoRec` q)
  135 postUser :: ActionRoute API -- TODO: remove when
  136 postUser = action POST (pathAPI </< "user") $ \api -> withAuth $ postUserAction api
  138 postUserAction :: API -> Handler Response
  139 postUserAction api = do
  140   auth <- peek
  141   let acct = siteAccount auth
  142   auth' <- runForm ((api == HTML) `thenUse` (htmlUserForm acct)) $ do
  143     csrfForm
  144     "auth" .:> (deformGuard "Incorrect password" . (`checkPassword` auth) =<< deform)
  145     email <- "email" .:> deformNonEmpty emailTextForm
  146     passwd <- "password" .:> deformNonEmpty (passwordForm acct)
  147     let acct' = acct
  148           { accountEmail = fromMaybe (accountEmail acct) email
  149           , accountParty = (accountParty acct){ partyAccount = Just acct' }
  150           }
  151     return auth
  152       { siteAccount = acct'
  153       , accountPasswd = passwd <|> accountPasswd auth
  154       }
  155   changeAccount auth'
  156   when (on (/=) (accountEmail . siteAccount) auth' auth || on (/=) accountPasswd auth' auth) $
  157     createNotification (blankNotification acct NoticeAccountChange) -- use old acct (email)
  158       { notificationParty = Just $ partyRow $ accountParty acct
  159       , notificationDelivered = DeliveryAsync -- force immediate delivery
  160       }
  161   case api of
  162     JSON -> return $ okResponse [] $ JSON.recordEncoding $ partyJSON $ accountParty $ siteAccount auth'
  163     HTML -> peeks $ otherRouteResponse [] viewParty (api, TargetProfile)