1 {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, DeriveDataTypeable, OverloadedStrings #-}
    2 module Databrary.Action.Response
    3   ( Response
    4   , ResponseData(..)
    5   , emptyResponse
    6   , okResponse
    7   , result
    8   , unsafeResult
    9   , runResult
   10   , proxyResponse
   11   ) where
   13 import Conduit (Source, (.|))
   14 import Control.Exception (Exception, throwIO, throw, handle)
   15 import Control.Monad (join)
   16 import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
   17 import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
   18 import Network.HTTP.Types (ResponseHeaders, Status, ok200, hContentType)
   19 import Network.Wai
   20     ( Response
   21     , responseBuilder
   22     , responseLBS
   23     , StreamingBody
   24     , responseStream
   25     , FilePart(..)
   26     , responseFile
   27     , responseStatus
   28     )
   29 import System.Posix.Types (FileOffset)
   30 import qualified Conduit as CND
   31 import qualified Data.Binary.Builder as DBB
   32 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
   33 import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BSB
   34 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
   35 import qualified Data.Text as T
   36 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
   37 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
   38 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE
   39 import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HC
   40 import qualified Text.Blaze.Html as Html
   41 import qualified Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Utf8 as Html
   43 import qualified Databrary.JSON as JSON
   45 -- | This class captures Databrary's mechanism for creating 'Response's from the
   46 -- values actually returned by handlers.
   47 --
   48 -- It is rather general. A value can be turned into a response either by
   49 -- modifying headers or by using one of Wai's Response composers (e.g.
   50 -- 'responseBuilder'). There are some rather esoteric instances.
   51 --
   52 -- Similar mechanisms in Servant or Yesod generally restrict themselves to
   53 -- building response *data* out of return values, without explicit mention of
   54 -- 'Response'. See e.g.
   55 -- <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/http-api-data->
   56 --
   57 -- Servant also has
   58 -- <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/servant- MimeRender>,
   59 -- which describes how to create a ByteString for use in creating Responses.
   60 class ResponseData r where
   61   response :: Status -> ResponseHeaders -> r -> Response
   63 instance ResponseData BSB.Builder where
   64   response = responseBuilder
   66 instance ResponseData BSL.ByteString where
   67   response = responseLBS
   69 instance ResponseData BS.ByteString where
   70   response s h = responseBuilder s h . BSB.byteString
   72 instance ResponseData (Source (CND.ResourceT IO) BS.ByteString) where
   73     response s h src =
   74         responseStream s h
   75             (\send _ -> do
   76                 CND.runConduitRes
   77                     (src
   78                     .| (CND.mapM_C
   79                         (\bs -> CND.lift (send (DBB.fromByteString bs))))))
   81 instance ResponseData StreamingBody where
   82   response = responseStream
   84 instance ResponseData ((BS.ByteString -> IO ()) -> IO ()) where
   85   response s h f = responseStream s h (\w l -> f (\b -> if BS.null b then l else w (BSB.byteString b)))
   87 instance ResponseData (FilePath, Maybe FilePart) where
   88   response s h (f, p) = responseFile s h f p
   90 instance ResponseData (FilePath, FilePart) where
   91   response s h (f, p) = response s h (f, Just p)
   93 instance ResponseData (FilePath, Maybe FileOffset) where
   94   response s h (f, z) = response s h (f, join (FilePart 0) . toInteger <$> z)
   96 instance ResponseData String where
   97   response s h =
   98     response s ((hContentType, "text/plain;charset=utf-8") : h) . BSB.stringUtf8
  100 instance ResponseData T.Text where
  101   response s h =
  102     response s ((hContentType, "text/plain;charset=utf-8") : h) . TE.encodeUtf8Builder
  104 instance ResponseData TL.Text where
  105   response s h =
  106     response s ((hContentType, "text/plain;charset=utf-8") : h) . TLE.encodeUtf8Builder
  108 instance ResponseData JSON.Value where
  109   response s h =
  110     response s ((hContentType, "application/json") : h) . JSON.encode
  112 instance ResponseData JSON.Encoding where
  113   response s h =
  114     response s ((hContentType, "application/json") : h) . JSON.fromEncoding
  116 instance ResponseData JSON.Series where
  117   response s h =
  118     response s h . JSON.pairs
  120 instance (JSON.ToJSON k, JSON.ToObject o, ResponseData o) => ResponseData (JSON.Record k o) where
  121   response s h =
  122     response s h . JSON.recordObject
  124 instance ResponseData Html.Html where
  125   response s h =
  126     response s ((hContentType, "text/html;charset=utf-8") : h) . Html.renderHtmlBuilder
  128 emptyResponse :: Status -> ResponseHeaders -> Response
  129 emptyResponse s h = response s h BS.empty
  131 okResponse :: ResponseData r => ResponseHeaders -> r -> Response
  132 okResponse = response ok200
  134 -- | A wrapper for the short-circuiting machinery (see 'result').
  135 newtype Result = Result { resultResponse :: Response } deriving (Typeable)
  136 instance Show Result where
  137   showsPrec p (Result r) = showParen (p > 10)
  138     $ showString "Result " . showsPrec 11 (responseStatus r)
  139 instance Exception Result
  141 -- | Short circuit immediately, returning the given Reponse.
  142 --
  143 -- FIXME: Rather than implementing this using exceptions, could we either use a
  144 -- left-biased Alternative or simply use a better procedural style?
  145 result :: MonadIO m => Response -> m a
  146 result = liftIO . throwIO . Result
  148 -- | Short circuit from within non-monadic code. Not recommended, and hardly
  149 -- ever used.
  150 unsafeResult :: Response -> a
  151 unsafeResult = throw . Result
  153 -- | Run some action that may short circut using 'result' or 'unsafeResult'.
  154 runResult :: IO Response -> IO Response
  155 runResult = handle (return . resultResponse)
  157 proxyResponse :: HC.Response BSL.ByteString -> Response
  158 proxyResponse r = responseLBS
  159   (HC.responseStatus r)
  160   (filter ((/= "transfer-encoding") . fst) $ HC.responseHeaders r)
  161   (HC.responseBody r)