1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TemplateHaskell, RecordWildCards #-}
    2 module Databrary.Model.Category
    3   ( module Databrary.Model.Category.Types
    4   , allCategories
    5   , getCategory
    6   , getCategory'
    7   , categoryJSON
    8   , participantCategory
    9   ) where
   11 import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap
   12 import Data.Monoid ((<>))
   13 import qualified Data.Text
   15 import qualified Databrary.JSON as JSON
   16 import Databrary.Model.Id
   17 import Databrary.Model.Category.Types
   19 -- Formerly used when loaded from db
   20 -- categoryRow :: Selector -- Category
   21 -- categoryRow = selectColumns 'Category "category" ["id", "name", "description"]
   23 -- TODO: db coherence
   24 allCategories :: [Category]
   25 allCategories =
   26     [Category
   27        (Id 1)
   28        (Data.Text.pack "participant")
   29        (Just
   30           (Data.Text.pack
   31              "An individual human subject whose data are used or represented")),
   32      Category
   33        (Id 2)
   34        (Data.Text.pack "pilot")
   35        (Just
   36           (Data.Text.pack
   37              "Indicates that the methods used were not finalized or were non-standard")),
   38      Category
   39        (Id 3)
   40        (Data.Text.pack "exclusion")
   41        (Just (Data.Text.pack "Indicates that data were not usable")),
   42      Category
   43        (Id 4)
   44        (Data.Text.pack "condition")
   45        (Just
   46           (Data.Text.pack
   47              "An experimenter-determined manipulation (within or between sessions)")),
   48      Category
   49        (Id 5)
   50        (Data.Text.pack "group")
   51        (Just
   52           (Data.Text.pack
   53              "A grouping determined by an aspect of the data (participant ability, age, grade level, experience, longitudinal visit, measurements used/available)")),
   54      Category
   55        (Id 6)
   56        (Data.Text.pack "task")
   57        (Just
   58           (Data.Text.pack
   59              "A particular task, activity, or phase of the session or study")),
   60      Category
   61        (Id 7)
   62        (Data.Text.pack "context")
   63        (Just
   64           (Data.Text.pack
   65              "A particular setting or other aspect of where/when/how data were collected"))]
   67 categoriesById :: IntMap.IntMap Category
   68 categoriesById = IntMap.fromAscList $ map (\a -> (fromIntegral $ unId $ categoryId a, a)) allCategories
   70 getCategory :: Id Category -> Maybe Category
   71 getCategory (Id i) = IntMap.lookup (fromIntegral i) categoriesById
   73 getCategory' :: Id Category -> Category
   74 getCategory' (Id i) = categoriesById IntMap.! fromIntegral i
   76 categoryJSON :: JSON.ToObject o => Category -> JSON.Record (Id Category) o
   77 categoryJSON Category{..} = JSON.Record categoryId $
   78      "name" JSON..= categoryName
   79   <> "description" `JSON.kvObjectOrEmpty` categoryDescription
   81 participantCategory :: Category
   82 participantCategory = head allCategories