1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
    2 module Databrary.Controller.Asset
    3   ( getAsset
    4   -- , getOrigAsset
    5   , assetJSONField
    6   , viewAsset
    7   , AssetTarget(..)
    8   , postAsset
    9   -- , viewAssetEdit
   10   , createAsset
   11   -- , viewAssetCreate
   12   , createSlotAsset
   13   -- , viewSlotAssetCreate
   14   , deleteAsset
   15   , downloadAsset
   16   , downloadOrigAsset
   17   , thumbAsset
   18   , assetDownloadName
   19   ) where
   21 import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
   22 import Control.Monad ((<=<), void, guard, when)
   23 import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
   24 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
   25 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing, isJust, maybeToList)
   26 import Data.Monoid ((<>))
   27 import qualified Data.Text as T
   28 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
   29 import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Range as Range
   30 import Network.HTTP.Types (conflict409)
   31 import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
   32 import Network.Wai.Parse (FileInfo(..))
   33 import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as FPP (makeValid)
   34 import qualified System.FilePath.Windows as FPW (makeValid)
   36 import Databrary.Ops
   37 import Databrary.Has
   38 import qualified Databrary.JSON as JSON
   39 import Databrary.Model.Segment
   40 import Databrary.Model.Permission
   41 import Databrary.Model.Release
   42 import Databrary.Model.Id
   43 import Databrary.Model.Volume
   44 import Databrary.Model.Container
   45 import Databrary.Model.Token
   46 import Databrary.Model.Format
   47 import Databrary.Model.Asset
   48 import Databrary.Model.Slot
   49 import Databrary.Model.AssetSlot
   50 import Databrary.Model.AssetSegment
   51 import Databrary.Model.Excerpt
   52 import Databrary.Model.AssetRevision
   53 import Databrary.Model.Transcode
   54 import Databrary.Model.Notification
   55 import Databrary.Files hiding ((</>))
   56 import Databrary.Store.AV (AV)
   57 import Databrary.Store.Types
   58 import Databrary.Store.Asset
   59 import Databrary.Store.Upload
   60 import Databrary.Store.Temp
   61 import Databrary.Store.Transcode
   62 import Databrary.Store.AV (avProbeLength)
   63 import Databrary.Store.Probe
   64 import Databrary.HTTP.Request
   65 import Databrary.HTTP.Form.Errors
   66 import Databrary.HTTP.Form.Deform
   67 import Databrary.HTTP.Path.Parser
   68 import Databrary.Action
   69 import Databrary.Controller.Paths
   70 import Databrary.Controller.Permission
   71 import Databrary.Controller.Form
   72 import Databrary.Controller.Volume
   73 import Databrary.Controller.Slot
   74 import Databrary.Controller.Format
   75 import Databrary.Controller.Notification
   76 import {-# SOURCE #-} Databrary.Controller.AssetSegment
   77 -- import Databrary.View.Asset
   78 import Databrary.View.Form (FormHtml)
   80 import Control.Monad.IO.Class
   82 getAsset :: Bool -> Permission -> Bool -> Id Asset -> Handler AssetSlot
   83 getAsset getOrig p checkDataPerm i = do
   84   mAssetSlot <- (if getOrig then lookupOrigAssetSlot else lookupAssetSlot) i
   85   slot <- maybeAction mAssetSlot
   86   void (checkPermission2 (extractPermissionIgnorePolicy . getAssetSlotVolumePermission2) p slot)
   87   when checkDataPerm $ do
   88     -- TODO: delete
   89     -- liftIO $ print ("checking data perm", "assetSlot", slot)
   90     -- liftIO $ print ("checking data perm", "seg rlses", getAssetSlotRelease2 slot,
   91     --                 "vol prm", getAssetSlotVolumePermission2 slot)
   92     -- liftIO $ print ("result perm", dataPermission4 getAssetSlotRelease2 getAssetSlotVolumePermission2 slot)
   93     void (userCanReadData getAssetSlotRelease2 getAssetSlotVolumePermission2 slot)
   94   pure slot
   96 assetJSONField :: AssetSlot -> BS.ByteString -> Maybe BS.ByteString -> Handler (Maybe JSON.Encoding)
   97 assetJSONField a "container" _ =
   98   return $ JSON.recordEncoding . containerJSON False . slotContainer <$> assetSlot a -- containerJSON should consult volume
   99 assetJSONField a "creation" _ | ((extractPermissionIgnorePolicy . getAssetSlotVolumePermission2) a) >= PermissionEDIT = do
  100   (t, n) <- assetCreation $ slotAsset a
  101   return $ Just $ JSON.pairs $
  102        "date" `JSON.kvObjectOrEmpty` t
  103     <> "name" `JSON.kvObjectOrEmpty` n
  104 assetJSONField a "excerpts" _ =
  105   Just . JSON.mapObjects excerptJSON <$> lookupAssetExcerpts a
  106 assetJSONField _ _ _ = return Nothing
  108 assetJSONQuery :: AssetSlot -> JSON.Query -> Handler (JSON.Record (Id Asset) JSON.Series)                   
  109 assetJSONQuery o q = (assetSlotJSON False o `JSON.foldObjectIntoRec`) <$> JSON.jsonQuery (assetJSONField o) q
  110 -- public restricted should consult volume
  112 assetDownloadName :: Bool -> Bool -> AssetRow -> [T.Text]
  113 assetDownloadName addPrefix trimFormat a =
  114   let
  115     assetName' =    
  116         if trimFormat
  117         -- original uploaded files have the extension embedded in the name                          
  118         then fmap (TE.decodeUtf8 . dropFormatExtension (assetFormat a) . TE.encodeUtf8) (assetName a)
  119         else assetName a
  120     scrubbedAssetName :: Maybe T.Text
  121     scrubbedAssetName =
  122         fmap scrubAssetName assetName'
  123   in
  124     if addPrefix
  125     then T.pack (show $ assetId a) : maybeToList scrubbedAssetName
  126     else maybeToList scrubbedAssetName
  128 scrubAssetName :: T.Text -> T.Text                               
  129 scrubAssetName = T.pack . FPW.makeValid . FPP.makeValid . T.unpack
  131 viewAsset :: ActionRoute (API, Id Asset)
  132 viewAsset = action GET (pathAPI </> pathId) $ \(api, i) -> withAuth $ do
  133   asset <- getAsset False PermissionPUBLIC True i
  134   case api of
  135     JSON -> okResponse [] <$> (assetJSONQuery asset =<< peeks Wai.queryString)
  136     HTML
  137       | Just s <- assetSlot asset -> peeks $ otherRouteResponse [] (viewAssetSegment False) (api, Just (view asset), slotId s, assetId $ assetRow $ slotAsset asset)
  138       | otherwise -> return $ okResponse [] $ T.pack $ show $ assetId $ assetRow $ slotAsset asset -- TODO
  140 data AssetTarget
  141   = AssetTargetVolume Volume
  142   | AssetTargetSlot Slot
  143   | AssetTargetAsset AssetSlot
  145 data FileUploadFile
  146   = FileUploadForm (FileInfo TempFile)
  147   | FileUploadToken Upload
  149 fileUploadName :: FileUploadFile -> BS.ByteString
  150 fileUploadName (FileUploadForm f) = fileName f      
  151 fileUploadName (FileUploadToken u) = uploadFilename u
  153 fileUploadPath :: FileUploadFile -> Storage -> RawFilePath
  154 fileUploadPath (FileUploadForm f) _ = tempFilePath $ fileContent f
  155 fileUploadPath (FileUploadToken u) s = uploadFile u s
  157 fileUploadRemove :: FileUploadFile -> Handler ()
  158 fileUploadRemove (FileUploadForm f) = focusIO $ releaseTempFile $ fileContent f
  159 fileUploadRemove (FileUploadToken u) = void $ removeUpload u
  161 data FileUpload = FileUpload
  162   { fileUploadFile :: FileUploadFile
  163   , fileUploadProbe :: Probe
  164   }
  166 deformLookup :: (Monad m, Deform f a) => FormErrorMessage -> (a -> m (Maybe b)) -> DeformT f m (Maybe b)
  167 deformLookup e l = mapM (deformMaybe' e <=< lift . l) =<< deformNonEmpty deform
  169 detectUpload :: (MonadHas AV c m, MonadStorage c m) => FileUploadFile -> DeformT TempFile m FileUpload
  170 detectUpload u = do
  171   liftIO $ print "detectUpload..."
  172   either deformError' (return . FileUpload u)                          
  173     =<< lift (probeFile (fileUploadName u) =<< peeks (fileUploadPath u))
  175 processAsset :: AssetTarget -> Handler Response
  176 processAsset target = do
  177   let as@AssetSlot{ slotAsset = a, assetSlot = s } = case target of
  178         AssetTargetVolume t -> assetNoSlot $ blankAsset t
  179         AssetTargetSlot t -> AssetSlot (blankAsset (view t)) (Just t)
  180         AssetTargetAsset t -> t
  181   (as', up') <- runFormFiles [("file", maxAssetSize)] (Nothing :: Maybe (RequestContext -> FormHtml a)) $ do
  182     liftIO $ putStrLn "runFormFiles..."--DEBUG
  183     csrfForm
  184     (file :: Maybe (FileInfo TempFile)) <- "file" .:> deform
  185     liftIO $ putStrLn "deformed file..." --DEBUG
  186     upload <- "upload" .:> deformLookup "Uploaded file not found." lookupUpload
  187     liftIO $ putStrLn "upload file..." --DEBUG
  188     upfile <- case (file, upload) of
  189       (Just f, Nothing) -> return $ Just $ FileUploadForm f
  190       (Nothing, Just u) -> return $ Just $ FileUploadToken u
  191       (Nothing, Nothing)
  192         | AssetTargetAsset _ <- target -> return Nothing
  193         | otherwise -> Nothing <$ deformError "File or upload required."
  194       _ -> Nothing <$ deformError "Conflicting uploaded files found."
  195     up <- mapM detectUpload upfile
  196     liftIO $ putStrLn "upfile cased..." --DEBUG
  197     let fmt = maybe (assetFormat $ assetRow a) (probeFormat . fileUploadProbe) up
  198     liftIO $ putStrLn "format upload probe..." --DEBUG
  199     name <- "name" .:> maybe (assetName $ assetRow a) (TE.decodeUtf8 . dropFormatExtension fmt <$>) <$> deformOptional (deformNonEmpty deform)
  200     liftIO $ putStrLn "renamed asset..." --DEBUG
  201     classification <- "classification" .:> fromMaybe (assetRelease $ assetRow a) <$> deformOptional (deformNonEmpty deform)
  202     liftIO $ putStrLn "classification deformed..." --DEBUG
  203     slot <-
  204       "container" .:> (<|> slotContainer <$> s) <$> deformLookup "Container not found." (lookupVolumeContainer (assetVolume a))
  205       >>= mapM (\c -> "position" .:> do
  206         let seg = slotSegment <$> s
  207             dur = maybe (assetDuration $ assetRow a) (probeLength . fileUploadProbe) up
  208         p <- fromMaybe (lowerBound . segmentRange =<< seg) <$> deformOptional (deformNonEmpty deform)
  209         Slot c . maybe fullSegment
  210           (\l -> Segment $ Range.bounded l (l + fromMaybe 0 ((segmentLength =<< seg) <|> dur)))
  211           <$> orElseM p (mapM (lift . probeAutoPosition c . Just . fileUploadProbe) (guard (isNothing s && isJust dur) >> up)))
  212     liftIO $ putStrLn "slot assigned..." --DEBUG
  213     return
  214       ( as
  215         { slotAsset = a
  216           { assetRow = (assetRow a)
  217             { assetName = name
  218             , assetRelease = classification
  219             , assetFormat = fmt
  220             }
  221           }
  222         , assetSlot = slot
  223         }
  224       , up
  225       )
  226   as'' <- maybe (return as') (\up@FileUpload{ fileUploadFile = upfile } -> do
  227     a' <- addAsset (slotAsset as')
  228       { assetRow = (assetRow $ slotAsset as')
  229         { assetName = Just $ TE.decodeUtf8 $ fileUploadName upfile
  230         , assetDuration = Nothing
  231         , assetSize = Nothing
  232         , assetSHA1 = Nothing
  233         }
  234       } . Just =<< peeks (fileUploadPath upfile)
  235     fileUploadRemove upfile
  236     td <- checkAlreadyTranscoded a' (fileUploadProbe up)
  237     te <- peeks transcodeEnabled
  238     t <- case fileUploadProbe up of
  239       ProbeAV{ probeAV = av } | td ->
  240         return a'{ assetRow = (assetRow a'){ assetDuration = avProbeLength av } }
  241       probe@ProbeAV{} | te -> do
  242         t <- addTranscode a' fullSegment defaultTranscodeOptions probe
  243         _ <- forkTranscode t
  244         return $ transcodeAsset t
  245       _ -> return a'
  246     case target of
  247       AssetTargetAsset _ -> replaceAsset a t
  248       _ -> return ()
  249     return $ fixAssetSlotDuration as'
  250       { slotAsset = t
  251         { assetRow = (assetRow t)
  252           { assetName = assetName $ assetRow $ slotAsset as'
  253           }
  254         }
  255       })
  256     up'
  257   a' <- changeAsset (slotAsset as'') Nothing
  258   liftIO $ putStrLn "changed asset..." --DEBUG
  259   _ <- changeAssetSlot as''
  260   liftIO $ putStrLn "change asset slot..." --DEBUG
  261   when (assetRelease (assetRow a') == Just ReleasePUBLIC && assetRelease (assetRow a) /= Just ReleasePUBLIC) $
  262     createVolumeNotification (assetVolume a') $ \n -> (n NoticeReleaseAsset)
  263       { notificationContainerId = containerId . containerRow . slotContainer <$> assetSlot as''
  264       , notificationSegment = slotSegment <$> assetSlot as''
  265       , notificationAssetId = Just $ assetId $ assetRow a'
  266       , notificationRelease = assetRelease $ assetRow a'
  267       }
  268   (do
  269       liftIO $ putStrLn "JSON ok response..." --DEBUG                        
  270       return $ okResponse [] $ JSON.recordEncoding $ assetSlotJSON False as'') -- publicrestrict false because EDIT
  271   -- HTML -> do
  272   --    liftIO $ putStrLn "returning HTML other route reponse..." --DEBUG
  273   --    peeks $ otherRouteResponse [] viewAsset (api, assetId $ assetRow $ slotAsset as'')
  275 postAsset :: ActionRoute (Id Asset)
  276 postAsset = multipartAction $ action POST (pathJSON >/> pathId) $ \(ai) -> withAuth $ do
  277   asset <- getAsset False PermissionEDIT False ai
  278   r <- assetIsReplaced (slotAsset asset)
  279   when r $ result $                                                          
  280     response conflict409 [] ("This file has already been replaced." :: T.Text)
  281   processAsset $ AssetTargetAsset asset
  283 {-
  284 viewAssetEdit :: ActionRoute (Id Asset)
  285 viewAssetEdit = action GET (pathHTML >/> pathId </< "edit") $ \ai -> withAuth $ do
  286   asset <- getAsset False PermissionEDIT False ai
  287   peeks $ blankForm . htmlAssetEdit (AssetTargetAsset asset)
  288 -}
  290 createAsset :: ActionRoute (Id Volume)
  291 createAsset = multipartAction $ action POST (pathJSON >/> pathId </< "asset") $ \vi -> withAuth $ do
  292   liftIO $ print "getting volume permission..."
  293   v <- getVolume PermissionEDIT vi   
  294   liftIO $ print "processing asset..."
  295   processAsset $ AssetTargetVolume v
  297 {-
  298 viewAssetCreate :: ActionRoute (Id Volume)
  299 viewAssetCreate = action GET (pathHTML >/> pathId </< "asset") $ \vi -> withAuth $ do
  300   v <- getVolume PermissionEDIT vi
  301   peeks $ blankForm . htmlAssetEdit (AssetTargetVolume v)
  302 -}
  304 createSlotAsset :: ActionRoute (Id Slot)
  305 createSlotAsset = multipartAction $ action POST (pathJSON >/> pathSlotId </< "asset") $ \(si) -> withAuth $ do
  306   v <- getSlot PermissionEDIT Nothing si
  307   processAsset $ AssetTargetSlot v
  309 {-
  310 viewSlotAssetCreate :: ActionRoute (Id Slot)
  311 viewSlotAssetCreate = action GET (pathHTML >/> pathSlotId </< "asset") $ \si -> withAuth $ do
  312   s <- getSlot PermissionEDIT Nothing si
  313   peeks $ blankForm . htmlAssetEdit (AssetTargetSlot s)
  314 -}
  316 deleteAsset :: ActionRoute (Id Asset)
  317 deleteAsset = action DELETE (pathJSON >/> pathId) $ \ai -> withAuth $ do
  318   guardVerfHeader                               
  319   asset <- getAsset False PermissionEDIT False ai
  320   let asset' = asset{ assetSlot = Nothing }
  321   _ <- changeAssetSlot asset'                                             
  322   return $ okResponse [] $ JSON.recordEncoding $ assetSlotJSON False asset' -- publicRestricted false because EDIT
  323   --  HTML -> peeks $ otherRouteResponse [] viewAsset (api, assetId $ assetRow $ slotAsset asset')
  325 downloadAsset :: ActionRoute (Id Asset, Segment)                
  326 downloadAsset = action GET (pathId </> pathSegment </< "download") $ \(ai, seg) -> withAuth $ do
  327   a <- getAsset False PermissionPUBLIC True ai   
  328   inline <- peeks $ lookupQueryParameters "inline"              
  329   serveAssetSegment (null inline) $ newAssetSegment a seg Nothing
  331 downloadOrigAsset :: ActionRoute (Id Asset, Segment)                    
  332 downloadOrigAsset = action GET (pathId </> pathSegment </< "downloadOrig") $ \(ai, seg) -> withAuth $ do
  333   a <- getAsset True PermissionPUBLIC True ai    
  334   inline <- peeks $ lookupQueryParameters "inline"              
  335   serveAssetSegment (null inline) $ newAssetSegment a seg Nothing
  337 thumbAsset :: ActionRoute (Id Asset, Segment)             
  338 thumbAsset = action GET (pathId </> pathSegment </< "thumb") $ \(ai, seg) -> withAuth $ do
  339   a <- getAsset False PermissionPUBLIC False ai                  
  340   let as = assetSegmentInterp 0.25 $ newAssetSegment a seg Nothing
  341   if formatIsImage (view as)
  342     && assetBacked (view as)
  343     && canReadData2 getAssetSegmentRelease2 getAssetSegmentVolumePermission2 as
  344     then peeks $ otherRouteResponse [] downloadAsset (view as, assetSegment as)
  345     else peeks $ otherRouteResponse [] formatIcon (view as)